Thc rain


Active Member
Hello i have a question regarding rain and thc.

From what i know , bubble hash is made using screened bags in micron size , with ice and water and marijuana and aggitate in the cold ice water witch makes the thc harder and falls off and seperates threw the bags and dryed and pressed.

Now , the question.

If Cold water removes the thc from the plant material , then how mutch thc is lost when growing outdoors ?
In or after a rainstorm ?

When is best to harvest , right before a rainfall , week after a rainfall , during a rainfall ?

Im curious to know how does thc grow ? will it regrow itself once the water cleares the pores of the leaves of the thc ?
Or once gone it stays gone ?

This is a good experiment , possibly scrape off or lightly brush off buds during growth and see if there is any at all increases or deformation or anything else of thc.

Thanks for any and all comments/feedback.


Active Member
I think the trick to the bubble bags is ICE cold, rain falls at less than ice cold temps.. I doubt rain knocks a tremendous amount of crystals from the plant.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
Buddreams is partcially right... THC acts like wax... so when you make bubble hash you have to have the water ice cold WITH ice inside the bucket. when you stir the bucket 20-30 minutes you break the THC off there stems...(they look like little mushrooms) and they filter through the when it rains,the water isnt cold enough...and the force of the water hitting the budds isnt enough to break off the THC.

To answer to question on when to harvest (checking first to see if the trichs are half cloudy half amber) i would say after the rain. I always wash my plants with water before i harvest to get all the bugs and shit nature has put on it makes the buds tastes sooooo much better..and be sure to do it early in the mouring BEFORE the sun comes up..thats when the resin and THC is at its peak.


Well-Known Member
loss of thc from rain isnt a concern outside, mold is the big factor outdoor guys look at, that should be your primary concern, If the weather looking like mostly rain for the week ahead, late in the season, alot of guys harvest rather than risk losing alot of their crop to mold