the 1 lb. experement

With this set up do you think this is possible

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No but you could get 8 ounces dry

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No that kind of yield is only gonna come from outdoor plants

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
This thread is dedicated to my attempt to produces 16 Dry ounces off one female plant started from a seed. I am open to advice on topping or LST strategys to increase overall yeild along with anything else people want to tell me.

To start here is the set up

- 1 4x4x6.5 sealed reflective grow tent|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50

- 1 T5 flouresent with 4 horticultural bulbs

- 6 25 watt day light spectrum cfls

- 2 400 watt MH / HPS ( i have both bulbs for both fixtures )

- 1 5 gallon grow bag filled with promix

- 1 blue mystic female from nirvana shop

( blue mystic = blueberry x Skunk )
good over all yeild and very high potency

- 1 PPM meter to ensure consistent feedings and avoid nute burn

- general hydroponics Maxi series ( maxi grow and maxi bloom ) dry nutes from general hydroponics good for soil and soiless applications

- black strap molases

- 5 years worth of over all grow experience and fuck ups :dunce: that i learned from

I have produced several successfull harvests including a very sexy Ice plant which is currently finishing up now under the 2 400 watt hps's while the new baby blue mystic plant is under the t5 with the CFLS getting all the hard to reach places

I got the idea to do this when i saw how rediculus the ice plant got being the only plant under the 800 watts of HPS. ( this was due to a 10 day long vacation and the trust of a friend who aparently didn't know how to care for plants and killed 5 of my 6 females )

Enough of that though onto the project

I plan to move the Blue mystic plant into the grow tent with in 4 weeks when the ice plant is finished. She is currently on her 4th set of true leaves and i will start the feeding schedual soon.

she will have the 2 400 watt MH lamps on the top with the t5 flouresent on one side and the other 6 25 watt cfls covering the rest of the plant. ( switching to HPS durring flowering )

From previous experience with topping my plants every 7th node I have been able to develope some nice bushes and produce around 2 1/2 ounces per plant dry with only a month and a 1/2 or so of veg. So i am wondering since maximum yield is my goal should I continue the agressive topping to ensure a large number of grow tips or should i hold back a little like maybe every 12 node to allow for more heigt and longer buds

Another issue i was wondering about was the use of a home made meshing to seperate the tops to ensure equal light coverage ( like a tenis racket and u feed the tips through the holes ) is this worth it I have seen a few people on here do this usualy coupled with LSTing

This is all i have for now but i will have pictures up once its worth posting them a seedling isn't very exciting :sleep: but for the hell of it heres my ice plant to atleast show i kinda know what im doing



Well-Known Member
wow thats a beautiful bushy purple plant! how long are you planning on vegging for? I mean, i guess if you treat it as an outdoor grow and give it maximum light and maximum space and maximum time i dont see why u cant get a pound. good luck man