The 12-1 and 10-14 power saving schedules


Active Member
12-1, yes. It's known plants react well to having a dark period, yet 24/0 has been popular due to noticeable increased veg growth over time in most strains. 12-1 is a balance between the 2, which often results in more vigorous growth than 24/0.

10-14, depends on the strain as to how the plant will react, but it encourages faster flower maturity and slower growth (less lumens absorbed, more flowering hormone time).

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
I can understand people wanting to change schedules for 'faster' growth and to save money but these plants have been growing for thousands of years more or less on the 18 6 and 12 12 schedule. Changing this schedule i believe, really cannot benefit a lot. I feel any chance that people think its better is luck and possibly a people are gonna jumpthe gun here and im gonna get shot down like something chronic so go ahead, but this is my opinion and yes ypu can have your own.

Anyways, i think unless you adapt this plant by growing countless generations of the particular strain you could have an unpredictable and somewhat random results. Changing your timer to whatever is gonna have a hard time to beat a thousand years of geneticly inlayed responses. The plant can only grow soooooooo fast. Full stop.

In saying that, correct atmosphere, nutrients and temps ect are the absolute best way ypu can grow fast high quality bud, there is no better alternative than nature. Though we are lucky enough to be able to now hide (and i say this loosely lol) nature in the corner of you rooms and basements and tweek it to how we wnat and need it to perform.

Good luck mate, hope something i said can help or give you a little to ponder upon


Active Member
I can understand people wanting to change schedules for 'faster' growth and to save money but these plants have been growing for thousands of years more or less on the 18 6 and 12 12 schedule. Changing this schedule i believe, really cannot benefit a lot. I feel any chance that people think its better is luck and possibly a people are gonna jumpthe gun here and im gonna get shot down like something chronic so go ahead, but this is my opinion and yes ypu can have your own.

Anyways, i think unless you adapt this plant by growing countless generations of the particular strain you could have an unpredictable and somewhat random results. Changing your timer to whatever is gonna have a hard time to beat a thousand years of geneticly inlayed responses. The plant can only grow soooooooo fast. Full stop.

In saying that, correct atmosphere, nutrients and temps ect are the absolute best way ypu can grow fast high quality bud, there is no better alternative than nature. Though we are lucky enough to be able to now hide (and i say this loosely lol) nature in the corner of you rooms and basements and tweek it to how we wnat and need it to perform.

Good luck mate, hope something i said can help or give you a little to ponder upon
People haven't been growing marijuana indoors for thousands of years.

Outdoor bud is far from an 18/6 and 12/12 schedule.

The most effective lighting schedules would be one that simulates natural light cycles for the strain's original ecosystem.

12/12 into 10/14 is an oversimplified version of natural light cycle simulation.

12-1 is far more obvious. Anybody who has tried 12/1 or 24/0 instead of 18/6 can see the increase in vigorous vegetative growth. (More light = More lumens absorbed = More growth).

Nobody doubts that 24/0 is more growth than 18/6, the entire debate is whether the increase in yield offsets the increased electricity costs.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
People haven't been growing marijuana indoors for thousands of years.

Outdoor bud is far from an 18/6 and 12/12 schedule.

The most effective lighting schedules would be one that simulates natural light cycles for the strain's original ecosystem.

12/12 into 10/14 is an oversimplified version of natural light cycle simulation.

12-1 is far more obvious. Anybody who has tried 12/1 or 24/0 instead of 18/6 can see the increase in vigorous vegetative growth. (More light = More lumens absorbed = More growth).

Nobody doubts that 24/0 is more growth than 18/6, the entire debate is whether the increase in yield offsets the increased electricity costs.

Haha i didnt say indoors for thousands of years haha. I understand what you mean, and i think you know what i mean too. Im talking about these crazy light schedules ppl do. Yes i agree it all depends on where the particular strain comes from and its ecosystem. This is the point i was trying to make.

All i all mate i think what you have said is pretty much the way i was trying/should of said it


Active Member
I have been considering the lighting schedule myself. I don't really want to save money or increase growth, I am looking to keeps the old bill off my back. At the moment, I run 2 flower rooms with the light schedules opposite each other so that I am never drawing more than 2kw at any given time.

In one of my stoned, havin a chat with my girls mood, the question came up of having a 3rd room and each room only have 8hrs each under hps then simple floro light (6ft tubes) for the other 4 hrs. I am curious about the drop in individual plant yield over increased overall yield from more plants grown without any increase in electricity used.

The issue for me is keeping my electricity use somewhere near or as close to normal as possible.

If anybody has and info / reasearch, I would love to read some more.