the 12 12 hours

okay so i was thinking about when i had to switch to flowering i would need the 12/12/ But my live it a bit jam packed and i would not be able to do that, so i was wondering, would it be better to leave the lights on for an extra hour or so or leave them off?


Well-Known Member
lol buy a timer man. their cheap and easy. you dont want to mess with a timer, but your ok with turning the lights on and off every 12 hours???


Active Member
I'm a total noob, but using a timer takes no experience what so ever. I've used them for Christmas lights, house lights.. whatever. You can buy them almost anywhere, I use cfls. So basic light timers work for me. If you're using HPS, I'm guessing you'll need something more heavy duty. All you gotta to is set it, and forget it.


Active Member
Buy a timer. It's Christmas time and tons of people buy them for Christmas trees so it's not like it looks sketchy.


Active Member
its so easy even a caveman can do it. get one first, if you still don't understand how to use it...then ask. but, it is really quite ridiculous/inconvenient to grow without one.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
lol so what do i just plug it in somewhere and it kills the power to all the lights?
You just plug your lights directly into the timer and plug the timer into your wall. You tell it when to turn the lights on and off and you're done.

Make sure your dark period is as close to totally dark as you can make it.


Well-Known Member
yep! its realy easy dood i use 1 fer my flower and 1 fer veg, u should look fer the 1 with the pegs u push in and out, not the 1 with the two red and green pegs u put in em at the time u want, the 1st 1 u can go down to 15 min incraments


Well-Known Member
If you don't get a timer for flowering we're gonna see you back here in 2 weeks with a thread titled "Whoops! I got drunk and forgot to turn my lights off. Will my plant hermie?" Get a timer bro. :roll: