The 12/12 Jad3d Grow


Well-Known Member

--\\ The 12/12 Jad3d Grow //--

Hijack Automatic
An extremely high quality sativa dominant auto. Hijack brings together two of the most legendary and most loved strains of all time, Jack Herer and AK-47.

Auto Super Bud
An autoflowering twist to the big yielder Super Bud strain. Auto Super Bud is an indica dominant strain with fast flowering and good yields.

Devil's Weed
A special plant which comes from the middle of the Atlantic Sea. Devil's Weed is an Azorean strain that packs a punch. Some plants turn red very late into flowering hence the name. It is indica dominant and is quite odorless.

Hey all, this is my first time growing autoflowering strains, and is also the first time doing a 12/12 grow from seed. Some people advised me not to since I could do better with better controled lighting and all, but I was curious as to what could come out of this, so I went for it.
This is my 4th grow so far, so bear with me.
I've been learning lot's the past 2 years, and finally decided to make a grow journal so you guys can hop aboard and enjoy the ride as well.

This grow will happen INSIDE a 60lt bucket with 150w of CFL, half cold half warm.
The medium is universal bagged soil. 5 - 6 PH. I also put a little perlite and a little vermiculite, to help with drainage and water retaining properties.
The pots are 1 liter Air-Pots. (first time growing with these too)
The watering happens through a watering "spike".
The nutes are Advanced Hydroponics of Holland Dutch Formula.
Temperatures are 30ºC during the light cycle and 19ºC during the dark cycle.

SO, without further ado, I give you the first picture of the Journal.
I present to you, my babies:

I'll be updating once or twice a week.
Feel free to ask and advise as you will!

Have a great day!

allthebest :leaf:




Well-Known Member
Looks good! i use air pots myself.

for autos it is beneficial to use more than 12 hours of light.

Next round you should get some photoperiod seeds and do a 12/12 from seed and run them.


Well-Known Member
Thank you =)

I didn't say it specifically, but both Devil's Weed plants are photoperiod plants (they are the reason I am doing the 12/12)
And since I was going to do a 12/12 grow with those 2, I thought I might as well put the autoflowers in too.

I just hope the 12/12 doesn't hurt my auto babies...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Today I transplanted the Hijack and buried the whole stem. It looks tiny now =P

Anyway, here's a photo update.





This poor baby is struggling a little... I hope it pulls through...



allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member

New photo update today.
Not much change in the plants, I was really expecting to have more of a little bushy goodness in de Devil's Weed #1 but they are kinda slow.

This isn't my first rodeo, but I've caught myself with some pretty noobish mistakes.
First, I over-nuted the Devil Weeds, both of them. I guess I forgot they are babies still. My bad, flushed, all good.
Second, I forgot they might be a little shocked from the transplant, and I have been trying to rush it. My bad, slow down, all good.

And third, and last, I completely forgot that CFL's are NOT HPS lights, and that being I need to keep the bulbs real close to the foliage. My bad, built new light rig, all good.

Finally I'm still struggling with temperatures. It's been around 30ºC which is a bit on the hot side, but now it's nearing 35ºC with the bulbs close and more of them. 160 watts so far.
I've been "controlling" the heat with 2 exaust PC fans and a passive intake, but I have now ordered another PC fan to make an active intake, hope it cools things down a bit.

And now, without further ado, the new photos:







This poor thing is still heavily affected by something, I suspect it's genetic. SO from now on we'll call it: "The Mutant"

Thank you!
Feel free to comment!

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member

Been very high for the past few days and forgot to upload the pics I took. haha

I'm a bit sad, and worried. My babies seem to be growing extremely slow. I've seen grows that by day 19 have little bushes going on furiously, and I'm still holding little seedling...

I finally stabilized the temperatures at 82-85ºF and they seem to like it a bit better.

Haven't been overwatering nor underwatering but I've made the rookie mistake of adding nutes so soon. I know, I fucked up, but you know the feeling that you want to give them more.

Less is more, so now I'll just give them good ol' water until they perk up a bit.

I now start thinking I should of given them some 18/6 for a couple weeks, this 12/12 business is a slow one, it seems.

And also, for the air-pot users, do you ever get to see the roots coming out of the cones? because I don't see no roots yet, and I'm anxious to know how the roots are developing post-transplant.

Anyway, here is how they look. (tiny, don't you think?)

This little baby came from the tiniest seed I've ever germinated, could it be one of the causes of why it's so slow to grow out?

This one is the one that looks more vivacious, but still it's been taking forever for those new leafs to sprout...

The Mutant is the one that has grown most, but it's so deformed that I can't really tell how many new growths it has...

The Devil's Weed #1 is the finally growing out a new set of tiny leaves, but it's been stopped in time for a few days now... I really hope it picks up the pace...

And there you have it.
So far, I'm pretty bummed that this grow is being so slow. I was planning to harves the autos before Christmas, and now I start to doubt that will e possible.
Any comments or suggestions? I'd be glad to hear your opinions.

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that the Hijack seedling suffered some root damage when I transplanted it because the soil came loose and a big chunk fell off. So some of the slow growth may be because of the root damage trauma...


Patience may be a virtue but it's also a bitch!

Give'm time. My Little Mutant has pulled thru. So can yours.

Can you post any pics of the setup? I'm curious about how you put it all together.


Well-Known Member
Will do.
I'll take pics of my setup tomorrow.

Also I reckon I should flush them just to be sure, so tomorrow's watering will be one big flush.
Thanks for visiting BCJohn!


Well-Known Member
Patience may be a virtue but it's also a bitch!

Give'm time. My Little Mutant has pulled thru. So can yours.

Can you post any pics of the setup? I'm curious about how you put it all together.
Hey, just took some pics of my grow bucket.

First, this is how it looks as of now:

I recently opened the bottom holes for intake, they used to be just a small passive intake slit, but I read that I needed more intake.
So those are just waiting for the PC fans I ordered. I'm putting 2 80mm fans intake on the bottom, and add 2 80mm fans on the lid for extra exhaust.

This is how it looks on the inside:

I put the Pringles can reflectors on the lamps because they were extremely bright and hurt my eyes when I was nursing my plants.
Also, both the 6500k are off, for now, because of temperature stabilization.
Both light fixtures are installed on a simple mechanism that let's me set the lights at whatever height I wish. So now they are as low as they can be without overheating the plants.
After I opened the 2 big intake holes the temperature has stabilized at a good 82ºF. So I'm a happy camper.

Any question, ask away.

Also, today I flushed all of the plants with 3 times as much water volume as the pot takes, so I'm hoping I took care of any nute imbalance or lock I may have caused.
SO now I play the waiting game, and hope they come around.

Bear with me.

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Today I checked them for the first time after the flush. I didn't mess around with them. I just smoked a few joints and let them do their thing.
And I'm proud to say that every one of them is back to some forward motion. All show some new growth, AND most coolest of all, two of them already sprouted pistils!

I'm kinda bummed that they turned mature so fast, I wanted them to get a little bushier with some more bud sites. Seems like I may be getting some single cola plants.

I hope I can get to 10g hahahaha

here they are:

The little one had a calcium toxicity, my bad. Sorry little one. At least it's back to working on the green growth.

This poor one woke up a bit after the flush, but this "burned" like color on the front leaf is still worrying me.

What is that? =(

Look who's got little pistils and is back at business with the new growths!

Can you see them?

What about now? =)

Oh, and remember Mrs. Mutant? Yep, Mrs.

Lady Parts. =)

Oh well, I can clearly see that 12/12 really does speed things up awesomely =)

Too bad they got stunted so long, they didn't grow out much before flowering. I guess I'll be harvesting tiny buds once more...

Better luck/work next time I guess.

For now, I'll make the best out of these girls.

allthebest :leaf:



It's too bad they hot stunted for too long. They are looking better though so it's not a total loss. You have figured out some of the hard parts of the setup. Next grow will be much better.

I like the way your setup is completely separate from any others in the same space. If put filters or air scrubbers on the exhaust holes you could be doing some very controlled breeding in the same room as your production grows. Minimal risk of fertilization.

You could also have a perpetual grow happening without much effort. 12/12 in one, 24/0 auto in another, slow Sativa in another, etc. All different types of grows in a single space but still separate from each other. Different light cycles rotating in sequence to keep the electrical consumption even and regular.

I like it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man =) that is true. And next time I'll be getting some 80L buckets instead of these 50L ones. Should let me grow some bushier plants.

Thank you for the kind words, made my day.

Have a great one!


Well-Known Member
Howdy all,

As of today I'm proud to announce that my little Devil's Weed #1 plant is a FEMALE! =) I guess my hermy plants worked out in making feminized seeds? haha

All of the plants have finally resumed growth. I'm bummed because they were shocked so long that now they will barely grow anymore. 3 of them are already flowering and their structure is still very immature.
Also the smallest and youngest of the group has finally jumped a bit and is showing signs of wanting to win a fight. Hope it grows out more before she shows sex (it's a feminized seed, so most certainly it should be a girl)

I really hope that they grow a bit during flowering or I'll end up with 4 tiny plants once more. (maybe my natural talent is creating weed bonsais hahaha xD)

Without further ado, here are the new photos:



For some reason I really love this photo =)




I really wonder how this mutant bud will develop... I guess I'll have to sit and wait...

And this poor thing has been sufering a lot from nute burns, but I wonder why. None of the others show these signs, and they all have the same feed schedule. I guess it's more sensible...


And that's all for now folks!
Let's hope for some nice growth these next few days!

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey hey,

As of now, I'm proud to say that I have 4 LADIES!!! I'm stoked!
Even though this grow has been far from optimal, I've finally gotten the balance back, and everything is starting to go a little smoother.
The GIRLS are all into growing, and the little Hijack has finally risen to the occasion and is now as tall as the others!

Here they are:

The "little one" is now finally on a sprint to catch up to the others. I'd love to see those upper stems swell with some tiny buds!

Pretty, healthy, girl flowers! =D

The Mutant is still fighting, I hope it doesn't give up on me.

These Mutant pistils are so strange. And getting so brown...

Lesson learned. I'm sorry I did this to it. It was the bushiest of the lot, and I simply nute burned it down. Fuck.

At least it's got a pretty crown. I hope it grows out fine.

This one is the one that impresses me most. Got hell treated like the others, and still sucked it up and fought through it all.

And her flower is starting to look amazing! Right?

And that's that, for now.

Don't be afraid to comment guys, I'd love to hear your sincere opinions.

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I just thought this was a pretty awesome shot, so I remastered it.
Feel free to use it.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Today I went into the grow room/bucket, and was surprised by this...

This one didn't handle the pressure and hermied on me... Not only that, but one of it's sacks had already popped in the bucket, so now, more than probably I will have seeds in my tiny buds =(
BAH! Just what I needed =(

Anyway, onwards. This is what my pathetic little grow is looking like right now =P

Hijack is starting to fill in a little... I hope xD

Super Bud is the skunkiest smelling of all, but it also has a little sweet to it when I handle it and smell my fingers. I'm really looking to smoke this one. even if it's just one tiny joint xD

Devil's Weed its sort of in the same stage since forever -.- I wonder why it's taking so long to develop a little...

So far I'm not very impressed by the airpots. It's true they're just 1L pots, AND I fucked the plants up a bit. AND they're under 12/12 lights from seed. But still, I'm kinda sad this grow is going to yield so little...

Comments guys? you're welcome to tag along!

Thank you for checking this out.

allthebest :leaf:



Active Member
I think that foil on the inside of your box might be creating some heat pockets and stressing your girls out man . on top of that you fed them too early :P
Does your soil have any ferts mixed in with it ? looking at your tiny plants covered in crystals makes me wanna try autos . maybe next run
anyhow ... I'm also using pc fans for my box and have one inside pointing at my plant . they get nice and strong and bushy like that + you'd be able to move your
lights closer to your plants . good luck


Well-Known Member
Sorry about all the bad luck. Maybe you got some whack genetics? Anyway, pics look great...what kind of camera you got?
The Devil's Weed #1 & #2 are actually my own seeds. From hermied father and female mother. So they have been working well in being Feminized. But they tend to easily hermy...
The other 2 seeds were bought. Thank you for stopping by! And thank you for the pic compliment, means alot to me =) I have a Canon EOS 7D.

I think that foil on the inside of your box might be creating some heat pockets and stressing your girls out man . on top of that you fed them too early :P
Does your soil have any ferts mixed in with it ? looking at your tiny plants covered in crystals makes me wanna try autos . maybe next run
anyhow ... I'm also using pc fans for my box and have one inside pointing at my plant . they get nice and strong and bushy like that + you'd be able to move your
lights closer to your plants . good luck
I've been thinking the same thing. I really need to change that foil... Could I use car reflectors windshield reflectors? Or would that be the same?
And yes, I know I fed them too early =P It's hard to keep my hands off them haha
The soil is a generic 10L bagged soil I can buy at a local store, it says to be between 5-6 PH and has N: 80-150mg/L, P: 80-150mg/L, K: 300-500mg/L.
This is my first try at autos. I love the outcome, I'm just sad my first try was such a flaw haha
I'll be installing fans inside the grow bucket as soon as they arrive =) Have you ever suffered from wind burn? Some guys cautioned me to the fact that a steady wind flow on the plant would make it burn the leafs..

Oh well. ONWARDS!

Thank you for dropping by! Keep checking! =)

