The art of male sellection for breeding


Well-Known Member
Ppicture here are two male Galactac Jacks by tga. They are the same age and were grown in the same garden with the same conditions. I was given these males by a friend and I would like to flower one of them out but not both. What does RIU suggest I do to pick one male over another, and why?

Also, which plant would you suggest I breed with? thanks!

for more on this grow and other breeding projects going on at Slabtown Seed Co. check out my instagram page this male sill be pollenating a ghost train haze #1

Galactic Jack Male A

Galactic Jack Male B

B on left A on right

B seems to have some stirdier branches and seems alittle more robust and vigorous. A is shorter, less strechy, tighter bud nodes, and is stinkier, but it is flimsier and doesnt seem as robust. I lolipopped the hell out of these so its hard to show you what they looked like when I first got them. My first instinct is to keep the shorter one, for one because I dont like leggy plants and also because it smells stronger. I have done a few selections in the past, but I am always looking to learn new things, so what do you think RIU, how do you pick your males and who do you like for my stud? thanks!
My best advice, since you have such a small sample of males, is collect pollen from both and polinate 2 different branches on the same plant or 2 different clones each pollinated by each father. Then try and grow at least! 20 seeds of each cross and start pheno hunting to find out which was the best father, that wouldbe the most educated way to do it. However if you know the strain really well and its phenotypes, you can go by branching and overall structure and the smell of rubbing fingers where you would take a cutting in order to relate it the the phenotype expression on the female and hence know which male is the female 'version' of the pheno you want.
I recently finished trying to find the Agent orange male that has that lemon candy hazeish smell to it, JTR dominant i believe, and the 2 males i chose only 1 had a very orangy smell when rubbed the others just pretty plain. Crossed all 3 with northern lights and grew out 36 seeds of each cross. I managed to find the male i wanted luckily, and it had pretty massive seeds for some reason. My favourite pheno out of that Agent orange JTR pheno male with northern lights smelled like an extremely strong lemon candy northern lights. Used that male to cross a tahoe og:mrgreen:
I like using northern lights to select males with because its so stable and only gives you the variation of the male carrying genes really.
I think your best bet would be to take clones of each and flower them
In much smaller containers those males are way too big and gunna be
WAsting a shitload of light. 1 gallons should do for a 10 week flower straight
From clone and youll have plenty of pollen.
Onto selection, i agree id go with short and stinky my reasoning being that
The drug traits in cannabis tend to be less hemp dominant(tall, vigorous, stretchy)
And the smell is also a good indication.
I dont really beleive male selection is an art i agree with klite and think you
Should be flowering both and doing progeny tests if you want to do the cross right.
What are your goals for the cross?
If you dont mind me asking
I am going to pollinate a ghost train haze #1. I want a heady sativa with a little faster flower time than the GTH curnelty has. Id like it to be closer to 10 weeks than the 12 weeks my friend I got the cut has been giving it. Also, I wouldnt mind inparting some jack flavour to the mix. Jack is one of my favorites and Im sure the head will be phenominal when mixed with the haze. Thats pretty much it, but really currious about the tequiches others use and thats more why i posted this. I am going to go witht he shorter one for now. I dont have enough room to grow both out and I dont have the allowd plant numbers to progony test, though Im glad I learned about that as I will be trying ti at some point in the future. .
I am going to pollinate a ghost train haze #1. I want a heady sativa with a little faster flower time than the GTH curnelty has. Id like it to be closer to 10 weeks than the 12 weeks my friend I got the cut has been giving it. Also, I wouldnt mind inparting some jack flavour to the mix. Jack is one of my favorites and Im sure the head will be phenominal when mixed with the haze. Thats pretty much it, but really currious about the tequiches others use and thats more why i posted this. I am going to go witht he shorter one for now. I dont have enough room to grow both out and I dont have the allowd plant numbers to progony test, though Im glad I learned about that as I will be trying ti at some point in the future. .

What is ghost train haze like? Whats its make up?
What is ghost train haze like? Whats its make up?
ghost og x nevils wreck.

Thinking about skipping these GJs and just doing the conspiracy kush and using it for all the clones I have right now that Im going to be crossing. would just be easiser that waay then usign three kinds of pollen and then testing all those out against each other. But that said, I am on the hunt for a male that I have progony tested and worrkred against other males from its genotype and selected based on multiple results. I have an OGKB pack I cracked Greatful breth by gage green group and I am going to do this witha ll the maes I end up with. give each one a shot and race them agaisnt each other.
Ah now i get the ghost train haze. Seems like a melt pool of fucking potent genetics. Ive always wanted to try the ghost og. Think archive has it.
Doesnt the conspiracy kush have a lot of phenos?
Spunds like a project worthy of pursuing :)
The second option sounds good if your going to be inbreeding proper selective
Pressures should correct any little faults in your starting males within a few generations
If your just wanting f1 crosses the male becomes a bit more important