The Basics


Active Member

Ok i have 4 plants there about 9 inches tall and on there 5 set of leaves i water them once a week and once a week i give them some vitamins i bought they have magnezuim and i add bannana pieces for ptoassuim, is this good enough

For light there in a window seal so far they look great not drooping at all, is this good enough

There are some mites how do i kill them

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
water them when the container is light and surface is dry. Breaking down fruits in your soil will fluctuate ph in certain areas of the soil, which is bad. You can use any fert you want, dont use slow release, you could give them tomato nutes, just read the side label, nutrients for green foliar plants are used to veg, and nutrients for fruit bearing plants are for flower. You get rid of mites by foliar spray or plant soap. Follow directions on label, make sure its safe to use on edible plants.