The Berries Next Door


Well-Known Member
Alrite so whenever i run out of herb i always try to do the "experimental" highs that i here to be rumored but i always check it out for saftey first. My problem is that this time idk how to check it out.

So basically my freind said that he has seen birds get drunk off of these red berries that grow in bushes. So i have provided a pic of the berries in question and i am wondering wether anyone knows the truth of this myth or if they know the name of the berry so i can look it up myself



Well-Known Member
I use berries like that along with other organic juices, tree sap etc... and I make war (face) paint out of it.


Well-Known Member
You are not going to get high or drunk off of those. You very likely will get sick though. So don't be a fool, go mow a lawn and buy a dub.


Well-Known Member
Pumert....a simple taste test will give you enough information. Just cut one open and put your tongue on the juice. If its nasty, burning or just one of those really bad tastes, then its most likely not safe to be ingested into the body.

You can always tell your friends that you dried them, crushed them up and smoked them in your bowl and had the best high of your life.....but you must tell them that you did use some of them for war paint...ok?


Well-Known Member
I can guarantee that those will not give you a buzz at all. Birds eat them yes, but no they dont get drunk off them. And how could you tell a bird was drunk? Was it hopping around a little too much or something. Also no those wont kill you or make you sick.


Well-Known Member
lol he said that the bird was flying crooked and smaked into the side off a house. Not even the window just the wall


Well-Known Member
i remember when I was really young, one of my classmates ate those and got sick. Was out of school for a month. Please dont smoke it :(


Well-Known Member
If it would get people high or buzzed by now it's been found and is widely known. aNothing is going to be a new discovery (at least nothing found in nature) so no DO NOT EAT THOSE.


New Member
Yup, it's firethorn. Pyracantha is the proper name. Here's a little bit from wikipedia:

Pyracantha berries are not poisonous as commonly thought; although they are very bitter, they are edible when cooked and are sometimes made into jelly.[1]