The Best Thread for Helpful Links and Info re: Applying for a Medical Marijuana Card

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New Member
It has been brought to my attention that I have had a bit of an attitude about the medical marijuana and its uses etc., and I have to admit that its true.

I live In central Ontario Canada and our laws here are different than many of the ones in the States so I sometimes get confused and frustrated. The thing is that I DO NOT want to discourage 'anyone' from seeking info and advice about this. The more people that have their 'legit' cards, they better off we will all be.

In Canada you will first need to go to Health Canada as option #1.

Their website is:

email adress is:

Snailmail address is:

Office of Cannabis Medical Access Health Canada
Address Locator 3503B
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 1B9

Phone numbers are:

Toll-free: 1-866-337-7705
OR 1-613-954-6540
Fax: 613-952-2196

The people that work here did not create the plan themselves but are government workers that are extremely helpful. They will not pry into your business or ask what your condition is for applying. They are most courteous and very professional. Every single contact I have made with them has been a very postive one. I understand that most of us depise our own government but I think we should be grateful for our Health care system as we have one of the best in the world. It just needs some fine tuning in this area. :confused:


New Member
Another helpful source is:

This site is run by Eric Nash B.F.A. and Wendy Little B. Ed. who are federally licenced cultivators and distributors of medical mariuana in Canada.

Eric Nash has been most helpful to me.


I did not get the website wrong. It is just spelled that way. :|


New Member
Option #2: Compassion Clubs

Now this is where much of my confusion, frustration and ignorance comes from. Due to the fact that although I have had an existing disorder (bi-polar) for which I take prescribed meds (30 yrs) p.t.s.d and my doctor will not sign to consent to my using, I have to seek help with a compassion club. I sent in all the papers, photos etc., last February after my gp sent my on a wild goose chase for many months:twisted::roll:

I have only had dealings with one club so far with little success I might add but I am not sure on how they are run to be fair and honest. Many members have told me mixed info and since I started my application back last October 2007, it HAS been frustrating to say the least. I also have fibromyalgia for which I have all the appropriate paperwork signed by specialists and my gp.

The reason why the doctors do not want to sign is better explained by either Eric Nash, Health Canada or one of the compassion clubs nearest you.

I only just realized the other week that there are four compassion clubs in the general area where I was applying.

You may want to just do a google search for compassion clubs but first type in the main city nearest you for a more accurate search.


New Member
Yes I did my hopmework but it wasn't accomplished overnight.
The last two links are from fellow members and I encourage others to add on any other relevant links or info.

I still feel like medical marijuana should be treated as such but I also do not want to discourage anyone because I know what that is like .:roll:

I was hoping more people wold find this thread helpful.:confused:
lacy very good thread you did your homework. very nice!
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