The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
So I am starting this journal off a little late in my grow

My first grow is 30 clones of orange Kush. 1st week of flowering
2 x 600 HPS
Flood and drain table 100 gal res. Table = 8x4 all clay grow beads
Nurturance: Technaflora
BC boost
BC grow
BC bloom
Sugar Daddy
Awesome Blossoms
Vegetated: 2 months

Second Grow
8 clones same stuff 5th week of flowering scrog
4 plants drip, 4 plants bucket
1 1000 4x4 area
Nurturance: Technaflora
BC boost
BC grow
BC bloom
Sugar Daddy
Awesome Blossoms
Vegetated: 2 months


Well-Known Member

Some pictures of what I am working on. This is the first time that I have grown in a flood drain system. The drip and bubble I am all too familiar with. I have been growing for two years now and love every minute of it. I hope you all enjoy feel free to critic me.



Well-Known Member
The picture of the snow dick was funny thing I did... That dick actually staid on the car for over 40 miles!:hump:


Well-Known Member
For all of you that stop by to just look thanx... I am probibly going to yeald about 4 to 5 pounds out of this grow... I am going to post some more pic's tonight. The scrog grow is in its 6th week now... The table is in its 2 and a half week.


Well-Known Member
Sure brother +reps for being the first.... Just grow by the rules man.... Don’t try to change the rules of growing everything has been done... What you want is good light good feeding and a good environment. Again thank you ao much!


Well-Known Member
Behold …. New Pictures



Well-Known Member
I bow down in your awesomeness :) Very primo setup!
Only wish I had the space for those lights...mmmmmm thats a man sized harvest in the making.


Well-Known Member
I bow down in your awesomeness :) Very primo setup!
Only wish I had the space for those lights...mmmmmm thats a man sized harvest in the making.

Thanks for love bro... Yea,h I’m going to have some new pics real soon. Since the last pics I have all the walls covered with mirror cellophane. I am expecting a monster harvest I am going to post new pics after Christmas. That will put my smaller grow at 7 weeks and my large at 2 close to 3 weeks. The cellophane I purchased at a party store and it is the bomb. Cheep and covers a lot for 5$. Anyways thanks for stopping by and stay posted man!:joint:


Well-Known Member
wow, great grow. I'm on my first atm, but I'm using soil. Have you had a chance to compare between hydro. For the space, and considering I'm a novice, I think soil was a safe choice, but man your plants look happy and healthy.

I wanted to know, what are your thoughts on the flood/drain vs the drip?

Also, when did you put your plants under the hps?

Thanks, and happy holidays :) :joint:


Well-Known Member
wow, great grow. I'm on my first atm, but I'm using soil. Have you had a chance to compare between hydro. For the space, and considering I'm a novice, I think soil was a safe choice, but man your plants look happy and healthy.

I wanted to know, what are your thoughts on the flood/drain vs the drip?

Also, when did you put your plants under the hps?

Thanks, and happy holidays :) :joint:

Thanks man… I love drip and boy do I get some big plants out of it… Ebb and flow I am still learning. This is my first grow with it, but so far so good. My plants have always been under hps. I don’t grow any other way, but I have used CFL and they work nice, but to get a crop you need the big boy toys. Dirt is a good place to start because it teaches you the In’s and the Out’s. Once you get the plant figured than start to do experiments. Thanks for stopping by man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Drip seems like it would work well. I vegged from seed under HPS, and I think I underestimated it's power, and still am slowly learning how to gauge the light. My plants are nice and healthy but growth hasn't been spectacular. I've started some clones under flouro's, might veg them there for a while. Flouro veging plants have looked very happy to me when there's enough light, but I'm sure HPS could be just fine or better when done right.

Do you really have to micromanage your nutrient levels? I'm guessing at least at first I'm going to at least get a decent meter and keep a really close eye.

Anyway thanks for your help. I'll start my own journal later this weekend probably and post it up here for reference.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Drip seems like it would work well. I vegged from seed under HPS, and I think I underestimated it's power, and still am slowly learning how to gauge the light. My plants are nice and healthy but growth hasn't been spectacular. I've started some clones under flouro's, might veg them there for a while. Flouro veging plants have looked very happy to me when there's enough light, but I'm sure HPS could be just fine or better when done right.

Do you really have to micromanage your nutrient levels? I'm guessing at least at first I'm going to at least get a decent meter and keep a really close eye.

Anyway thanks for your help. I'll start my own journal later this weekend probably and post it up here for reference.

HPS is nice… I grow my mothers in a duel spec Fluor so they do work well. HPS allows the arms to grow and stretch fast so you get more heads sitting under the lights. When I first started doing hydro I never checked my PPM. When I finally purchased my first meter I realized that I was underfeeding my plants. It gives you a chance to really track your grow the right way. It will show you how little and how much your plants can handle. The end result is a lot more high quality bigger yielding buds. Well I look forward to your Journal man, and don’t mind giving a help out as well.

EBay has TDS meters for like 19 with shipping that is a good start:joint:

New pictures tomorrow at 7th week on the little grow big grow will be at 2 and half


Well-Known Member
So my little grow is finally at 7 weeks. My bigger grow is now at 2 and half weeks. I also started a micro grow with 2 cfl’s. The clones have already rooted and I am flowering them starting today they are about 3 inches tall. Should be fun, and I built it in a little white ice chest. I have a half gal of water that I am circulating in and out of it. I will keep you up to date.