The Canadian Government Acts Like Alcohol Is Safer Than Weed. That's Absurd


Well-Known Member
n the latest example of hypocrisy, Health Minister Patty Hajdu said Canadians should avoid consuming cannabis to protect their health.

by Manisha Krishnan
Dec 17 2019, 5:05pm

Photo illustration by Sarah Berman
One of the main benefits of legalizing cannabis is reducing the stigma associated with consuming it.

People consume weed for lots of reasons. Medical patients use it to treat a variety of illnesses, others use it to relax, and some people simply want to get super high (there’s nothing wrong with that).

But beyond actually legalizing it, the Canadian government seems to have very little interest in de-stigmatizing cannabis. Since the beginning, the messaging we’ve heard has focused on thin moral arguments like keeping weed out of the hands of children and getting gangsters out of stairwells. A year in, we haven’t moved far away from that rhetoric.

Take for example comments from Canada’s new health minister Patty Hajdu on the legalization of edibles: "The best way for Canadians to protect their health is not to consume cannabis, and adults who choose to use cannabis should avoid products from illegal or unknown sources,” she said.
I understand why the government is promoting buying legal weed, particularly in the midst of a vaping-related illness crisis that seems to stem from black market products. But suggesting the best way for Canadians to protect their health is not to consume any cannabis ignores that it’s a relatively benign substance (no one has died from overdosing on it) and that lots of Canadians use it as a medicine. Others use it as a form of harm reduction, instead of taking more toxic prescription drugs. And others still use it as an alternative to a much deadlier intoxicant: Alcohol.

Alcohol is the main cause of death for substance-related hospitalizations. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 10 Canadians die in hospital daily due to substance use, and booze is responsible for 75 percent of those deaths. Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that alcohol is a factor in up to four fatal car crashes a day.

And Canadians drink a lot—a study by the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) showed that we drink 50 percent more than the global average. Research shows the annual cost associated with alcohol-related harms in Canada is $14.6 billion.

Alcohol is also a carcinogen, accounting for more than 10,000 new cancer cases in 2015, according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

It is also extremely addictive—right up there with heroin, cocaine, and nicotine. Make no mistake, alcohol is a drug and it can be an incredibly dangerous one. Yet it is widely available (enjoying far looser regulations than weed), and even glorified.

But the government’s messaging around liquor truly lays bare its hypocrisy.

Health Canada’s page dedicated to alcohol starts off by saying, “Although the majority of Canadians who drink alcohol do so in moderation, alcohol misuse affects too many Canadians. In fact, it is estimated that 4 to 5 million Canadians engage in high-risk drinking, which is linked to motor vehicle accidents, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and other health issues, family problems, crime, and violence.”

Meanwhile their page about “problematic alcohol use” says, “Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows down your body's central nervous system. While a small amount of alcohol may provide health benefits for some, drinking excessively can cause serious health issues.”

What stands out to me is that both of these write-ups open with caveats that minimize the impact of booze, or in the latter example, tout the so-called health benefits of alcohol.
Those health benefits (red wine fights against heart disease) have been overstated. A massive study published in the Lancet last year looked at the drinking habits in 195 countries and came to the conclusion that no amount of alcohol is good for you. The benefits are outweighed by the harms.


In 2015, the government released a report on alcohol consumption in Canada that said alcohol is handled more like a food here, despite the health risks.

“Our society condones, supports, and in some cases promotes drinking such as through ‘drink of the day’ specials, sale prices on certain brands, and associating alcohol with fun and sophistication,” wrote Canada’s former Chief Public Health Officer Gregory Taylor in the report.
“Our low-risk drinking guidelines do not mean that alcohol is harmless.”

He’s absolutely right. Our lawmakers would do well to remember that.
I’m not gonna read all that but yeah, they believe it for sure. My parents believe it. I smoke cigs and they tell me to stop smoking the herb... fools. They’re just not enlightened.
I’m not gonna read all that but yeah, they believe it for sure. My parents believe it. I smoke cigs and they tell me to stop smoking the herb... fools. They’re just not enlightened.
Try to get off those cigs my friend if your able to at all costs......please. For your future. There's just nothing good in those things. Do whatever it takes and you can to be rid of those. Sorry for the lecture, but it's not really. It's just a stranger caring about you is all.

Think about this your going to make someone a lot of money on the demise of your precise health. That's some good incentive in itself. :hug:
Try to get off those cigs my friend if your able to at all costs......please. For your future. There's just nothing good in those things. Do whatever it takes and you can to be rid of those. Sorry for the lecture, but it's not really. It's just a stranger caring about you is all.

Think about this your going to make someone a lot of money on the demise of your precise health. That's some good incentive in itself. :hug:

Thank god for vapes or I would still smoke tobacco. Now I don't even vape the poison.
Try to get off those cigs my friend if your able to at all costs......please. For your future. There's just nothing good in those things. Do whatever it takes and you can to be rid of those. Sorry for the lecture, but it's not really. It's just a stranger caring about you is all.

Think about this your going to make someone a lot of money on the demise of your precise health. That's some good incentive in itself. :hug:

Your post has made me give it another go. Attempt 3 starting tonight!
People don't realize how much money goes into indoctrinating a group of individuals into a nation. People that consume or at least don't oppose: alcohol, sugar, tobacco, and red meat have been indoctrinated by the military industrial complex.

What evidence do I have to support that claim? How about Pemmican chewing tobacco/beef jerky? Pemmican was famously branded with a stereotypical native american with red skin on the front and was famously consumed by baseball players who were also busy branding their segregated sport as America's past time. What other products did baseball market? Big league chew was loaded with sugar...

Ok that's still a biased view but my point is that giant brands are funded by legal products that have addictive properties and I'm somehow expected not to make a comparison to drug cartels?

All big government wants to do is pump you full of drugs until you believe in their propaganda because that puts them in position to sell you things which ultimately increases their scope of influence.
Your post has made me give it another go. Attempt 3 starting tonight!
It will be so worth it if you can possibly do it. You have my full support for what it's worth. But most importantly you have you own support. And it doesn't get better than you wanting it yourself. Smoke some weed or hit a nice vape pen with cannabis oil in it only. Not that crap sold in vape stores. But with some real honey or distillate. Not that vape juice crap they sell.
One day at a time and one craving at a time. Look in the're so worth it girl.
Your post has made me give it another go. Attempt 3 starting tonight!
FYI it will be attempt 3 of ?
I found cold turkey to be the most effective and easy with one caveat, you really have to want to quit. It is easier if you make it almost impossible to give in. And there it is folks, which is stronger? Your brain or nicotine? Are you in control?
NOW is what I would shoot for, later means you are making excuses and are probably not ready yet. Flush all your smokes, cartons if that is what it takes to convince yourself that you are committed and make sure to tell everyone you quit, so you will loose face if you fail. Excuses are just barriers to success. Good luck and remember who is in control of you.
FYI it will be attempt 3 of ?
I found cold turkey to be the most effective and easy with one caveat, you really have to want to quit. It is easier if you make it almost impossible to give in. And there it is folks, which is stronger? Your brain or nicotine? Are you in control?
NOW is what I would shoot for, later means you are making excuses and are probably not ready yet. Flush all your smokes, cartons if that is what it takes to convince yourself that you are committed and make sure to tell everyone you quit, so you will loose face if you fail. Excuses are just barriers to success. Good luck and remember who is in control of you.

I am a cold turkey person but ya exactly I just haven’t found the motivation yet. My life is so boring it’s like my biggest time waster... Attempt 1 I quit for a good 4 days and attempt 2 I just wasn’t committed. I just need that kick and unfortunately I don’t have it just yet.
if you can do 4 days you can do the rest..they are the worst

but you must truly want to quit

....tobacco WILL get you ...i have watched my friends over the last 50 years..from our 20's

...the ones that do alcohol and tobacco are either gone or on the way out

...the ones who smoked herb..not
I’m not gonna read all that but yeah, they believe it for sure. My parents believe it. I smoke cigs and they tell me to stop smoking the herb... fools. They’re just not enlightened.
hope yer not one who puts tobacco in with your herb,
ONLY REASON for that is ..well..because Butts are addictive.. kinda :idea:
Well it didn’t happen last night and it won’t happen today but I feel like I’ve taken a step towards wanting to quit today so that’s a plus. Thanks guys
Tobacco was the hardest thing to quit... for me anyway but not everyone is an addict after all..
It's not really the butts's the person who gets stuck..
good luck. Quitting smokes was difficult
Quitting herb after 40 plus years has been easy..
A pack a day habit will cost you about $6500/yr, and that cost continues to go up every year. It's nothing but a tax you pay to corporations and the government to slowly kill yourself. That makes you a slave to stupidity.

That's not meant to be mean, it's just pointing out reality. Your addiction is an all cost outcome with absolutely no gain. You smoke, you lose.

Did it for 20 years, so I got beat with the stupidity stick also.