The cheepest way to smoke cigerettes.


Well-Known Member
Well like most cig smokers Im sick of payn the exesive taxes.

The cig companays only make like 34 cents a pack, law wont let em make any more off em. It would beconsidered obsene profit.
But the other 5-6 bucks of taxes is ok? Seems to me the gov is the one making obsene profits off smokers not tobacco companys.

So I have been rolling my own for about 2 months now an it was still costing 30$ for tobacco every 2 weeks.

But if i buy pipe tobacco, there is bairly any taxes! 7.00 dollars will make 2 weeks worth of cigs:clap:. From 50 ish a week to 7$, hell yeah!

I use a brand called "4 aces" made by the top tobacco company an it tastes just like top ciggeretts.

This is one of the best roller out there. Will roll a packin 2 min...................
I didn't know there was a difference in pipe tobacco and cig tobacco.... I thought it was all tobacco that you smoked lol
buy whats cheapest yo, and R.Y.O cigs are much better for you as well, I need to invest in a good cig roller though
i get 100s and clinc them half way. makes a pack last about 3-4 days the way i smoke

i noticed when i rolled my own(actually rolling them) i would roll small pinners and smoke them less often making the pouch last longer because unfiltered gave me a larger dose of nicotine
I have a TOP cig roller. Has a little crank,Load the chamber pop the paper and filter on there and crank that bitch. Takes 15 mins to roll a pack. Next bag of Tobacco ima buy will be Midnight Special at 25$ for 1/2 pound. Kinda hard to pack them though.
I get the most out of my pack of cigs by saving the butts and squeezin the tobbaco out of them and smokin that out of a pipe for tobacco only (ok, maybe the occasional spice)