"The Church" suffocated


Hey growers. Need some help. Running a simple hydro op, had my Church plant looking like a monster but.... My effin air pump kicked and the plant suffocated from lack of oxygen. I caught it after it had been too late, or so it would appear. Bout the 6th week of veg right now.

It looks like Charlie Brown's xmas tree now. To my point:
The roots are still healthy, the branches, stems etc are healthy. The leaves limp, and if not outwardly appearing dead, on their way there.

My question - is this salvagable? Can i clip branches near the leaves or nearer the nodes and expect new growth? Can i leave alone and go on as usual with good water nutes and light and expect a turnaround?

Effin bummed. Have a JH vegging right now that was behind the genetic monster Church so it now has time to catch up but dam. I'd like to see this Church get to flower. Let me know if pics will help. Can post tonite. Anyone with experience with this and advice is appreciated.