The DSR(difinitive spice recipe)

well here it is,


h=filler herb

i tried quite a few different potencies and found that for everyday smokers and occasional smokers the normal potency is about 0.015-0.025 per gram. the ratio of jw per gram is very, very important. My first batch was 0.035 potency and it was really strong. I got mixed reviews. the heavy smokers loved it while the occasional smoker had an adverse reaction. what it does is that it gives you a reaction similar to a panic attack. ive had panic attacks just smoking weed, if your not in a comfortable environment your gonna feel very awkward. so i decided to make a blend that you can smoke all the way trough and not get adverse reactions. well mission accomplished.

Here are the details of my experiment:
Tools and ingredients:
jwh-018(1 gram)
HDPE small spray bottle(walmart)
Scale that measures milligrams accurately(mine does not)
pyrex measuring cup(walmart)
long, glass bowl or glass baking dish(anything will do if you can spread your herbs out.
100% pure acetone(I used walmart nail polish remover)
Herb or fillerI used damiana)
[you can pick up damiana at your local mexican store, they have racks with a whole bunch of spices and powders. It costs about $1 per 7grams(quarter oz)] I also found wormwood but i do not recommend it, it smells and tastes nasty. or order it online which i think is a little more expensive when you factor in shipping costs.
LorAnn oils(food flavoring){walmart}

Preparing to make your own blend:
first you must measure out your amounts of herb and jw.
I created P=J/H
{I didnt just want to throw my whole gram of jw with 2 or 2.5 ounces all at once, what if it was too weak, so i decided to measure out about .3 grams of jw and apply it to 9 grams of damiana. well if you use my equation(0.3/9=0.033)the potency of that herb was .033 per gram. if you divide that by the amount of joints in a gram you get the amount of how much jw your ingesting per dose(or joint). .033 is too strong for most people. I got really high on this and liked it but my friend who is only an occasional smoker had some sort of reaction to it, like a panic attack. I had panic attacks on weed too but I never seen that in him. He still gave my blend a 10 out of 10 but i still didnt like the reaction he had to it, although heavy smokers loved it.
So I decided to make a blend that you can smoke all the way through and get a decent buzz off of it. (.3/14=.021 per gram)the potency of this blend was .021 so if you divide that by 4 or 5(depends how big you roll your joints or blunts)or less, you end up with about .042mg per joint or dose. this is very enjoyable.
I dissolved .3mg of jw into 30-40ml of ace. this is a little too much ace I think, but it works just fine. I put the ace into my pyrex measuring cup and then put in the jw in and mixed it, i didnt mix it for very long just long enough for it to dissolve, about 5 minutes
then I put the mix into my little HDPE(walmart)spray bottle
I spread my 14 grams of herb in my long glass baking dish(i dont know what the significance of glass as the dish but I decided to use glass).
I tried to spread it as flat as possible and then I started spraying it with the solution.
you really dont want to saturate it, so thats why its important to use a minimal amount of acetone. my spray bottle will not work properly with less than about 30-40ml. make just enough solution to cover and moisten the herbs. If you put too much ace into the mix you might get a ace flavor(not very desirable)
Do not try to over compensate by adding more jw cause only .020 per gram is good for anyone.
I also made a flavored blend.
I sprayed my first batch and found that i had some spray left over so i decided to put some lorAnns food flavoring into the ace/jw mix
I have no specifics yet on this method but i put quite a few drops into very little ace. I put like 5 drops straight into my spraybottle and swirled it around
The result was a very fragrant herb when not being smoked. but when smoked there is no apparent taste.

IMPORTANT: Let it dry for at least 12 hours. you do not want to smoke ace. I tastes horrible. so just be patient and let it breathe. Also, the odor of the pre-blend will be very powerfull. smoking or inhaling ace gives you some nasty headaches, trust me.

Well I feel im missing something, but thats about it. If anyone knows how i should cut a .045 per gram blend I would appreciate it, I dont want to just throw in some inert herb in there to cut it.
Input please!!!


Well-Known Member
Why even fuck with it?
The guy who created that shit strait up said that anyone who smokes it is retarded.

God made ganga. Do you not have a herb hookup?
The way the economy is tanking in our country, there are definitely going to be alot more people on probation and parole, and your probably one of them, believe it brother. You will find out why this is so great. But yes weed is still better.


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would you do this ???
Just smoke some good herb.
This sound like something some dumbass high school kid came up with .


Active Member
Yeah, you can smoke spice and still pass a drug test so people on probation/parole find it a great alternative to MJ. Not to mention, if your on the job hunt, which is also very common nowadays, it would be a good alternative also.

The stuff really works, too. I'm pretty seasoned, and I tried some and was was giggling like a fool.

The importance of using glassware is the fact that acetone dissolves almost everything, and you don't want that in your blend. It would be ideal to use some sort of glass venturi sprayer, if they make them. I know everyone uses a plastic sprayer and doesn't have a problem, but I think there must be miniscule amounts of plastic in the mix. With some folks freaking out about plastic in drinking bottles getting into your water that can't be good.


Well-Known Member
I have worked in the plastics industry for the last 20 years . Nothing is going to penetrate HDPE . Thats why when you buy cemicals , they are shipped in containers that are made of HDPE . Way more common than people realize .


Active Member
What the hell is this? JW018? Jimson weed, is that what that is, or Jehovah's Witness? Damiana? Why? Just smoke the damn weed, man!


Active Member
Good to know dadio. And to sk'mo, assuming you weren't joking, JWH is a synthetic cannabinoid receptor stimulator. When you smoke it, it stimulates your brain like it was THC, yet it is THC free.


Well-Known Member
Really lame. It's bullshit that our stupid prohibition laws drive people to smoke these random chemicals.
I really wish people would just smoke the real thing