The Future of Education


Well-Known Member
Currently, the educational system is viewed no differently than any business sector, which translates into a massive slack in global business. When we send children to University, we do not think about what they might actually achieve, we think about what kind of paper they might come out with. And because of this, businesses like medicine and prison are severely handicapped.
Firstly, prison is a business. It is meant to be a place for people who are dangerous to our society to be kept, and sometimes executed. Once a person commits a heinous enough crime to become a “prisoner” they are property of the state. But because our educational system is fractured, there are people that should be in treatment or therapy, that are instead being subject to the same treatment as violent and master criminals, as well as being placed in a situation where they must co-operate with them. Which breeds a larger “criminal class” than we would have in a system with a higher educational and perceptual standard.
This same problem is present in the medical “industry”, yes, medicine is a business as well. And when you are doing business, you form business relationships. And when you form business relationships, you tend to focus on what is best for the relationship instead of what is best for the world. So now we have massive medical corporations, sharing production means and methods with an oil industry, and neither industry is interested in looking for alternatives to what they are doing. So we have oil companies raping the earth while we pay them for it, and medical companies spending money on rallies and races instead of researching for cures. Because it's not about what people say they want, it's about what people are willing to pay for.
Now, education. Education is both the problem and the solution.
1. In the past, they discovered how to do things for the first time and spread that knowledge. We now know many past methods to be detrimental to human and animal life, and have since developed new ways of doing the same things. But you can not teach an old dog new tricks, so we've got a bunch of old oil tycoons looking for any way they can to get away with what they used to just call “how you do it”.
2. Because people do not understand these processes and things themselves, they think “we will leave that to someone smarter” and then someone with a drill and dollar signs in his eyes comes a long, and takes that position.
3. People go to college to learn about things that will make them money, not about things that they seem particularly good at.
4. School is not truly educational. Any of us could buy those books and read them ourselves, and even have someone open random pages and write a quiz for us. The value of school is the fact that SO MANY minds are int he same place, and all of them have a similar desire, but all of them have a different perception of that desire and how to get to it. So school actually HURTS your education by having you submit your mind to a random authority figure. Same as when you let a police officer write you a ticket for something you didn't think you did, if you had a rule book in front of you, you could tell him where he was mistaken. We ALL have textbooks in class, so why not constantly have an open discussion?
5. Doctors don't go to school because they are passionate about saving lives (not all of them any way) and some of them come out of school not knowing what to really do. So the pill companies will come in, and tell them what to sell for what illness or ailment, and the doctor just repeats it. He hears the word “depressed” and he thinks “thank god I don't have to look into this further” then spouts “Zoloft” because a Zoloft rep came buy and dropped off a bunch, and he gets a commission for every prescription he writes for them. So you feel like you got help, and he feels like he got away with not really doing any work or fretting.
6. Bad people run the GMO companies. GMOs were fine in the 60s and all the way through the 80s. Then Monsanto started trying to give plants new defense mechanisms. Like corn that has natural pesticides, but you feed it to rats and they die. These things are NOT good for the environment, we don't need to be splicing fruits and sea urchins (or other weird things), because that plant might have some random dormant DNA that has the ability to turn that sea urchin poison into some airborne person poison. And we don't know what happens to people when they eat sea urchin poison in small amounts over long periods of time. It's just not good to fuck with shit like that.
Now, taking bean vines, and applying them to like watermelons to help water melons grow more solidly. That is fine. Those are 2 plants, mixing DNA. Happens in the wild all the time. But you take a plant and an animal, and a poison animal at that, and just throw them together. It can go directions we don't plan.
So education is extremely important, because I bet some people are sitting here right now shaking there heads calling me crazy. But this is the truth, and if we have more educated genetic engineers, that had a distrust for Monsanto, we could probably develop the crops of the future.
The current educational system places 1 person in front of the room, and deems them as “the most intelligent in the room” or at least “the one with all the answers” when this is simply not true. We need a system that brings minds together. I might be a crazy physics mastermind, but that doesn't mean I don't need a chemist by my side every once in a while. We need to take the same approach with education, because this is the world that you will be in after your education is complete anyways.
Right now there is something known as “cheating”, which is when kids share answers. I think that cheating needs to be limited to the STEALING of answers from the teacher or test key, and the sharing of answers in a classroom by way of actual mental labor should be called SHARING. If we are going to create a generation of children, at ANY point in human history, that can solve the problems of the world. I promise that we will do it by getting kids to work together, and understand that they have weaknesses that others can cover. This is how medicine works, this is how war works, this is how government works, this is how simple business operations work. So why is this not how education works? Why when it comes to education, all the sudden it is ok for someone to think they can handle all of “Math” or all of “Science” by themselves. That is just a ridiculous thought. Because even while those kids are in school being told to master everything “or else”, they are at the same time being told to choose a profession that fits what they are best at. But how can a kid find out what they are best at, when you strip them out of the group, when you strip them of the fun in education. How can someone decide what they “are” as far as profession is concerned (or as humanity is concerned) in a situation that feels like a 9-5 cubical job. Where you are part of a pretend team, when in reality your paper submissions are the only thing that are considered “part” of anything. You are just part of payroll. Except at school you don't get paid, and you pay to be there in college, so that's even worse.
We are basically preparing our children to be under motivated, undecided adults. There are teen leadership classes, but I bet they don't talk about Hannibal or Spartacus or any REAL historical LEADERS that brought people from NOTHING to the forefront of history. We do not have natural leaders being led to their true potential, Masonry educates people about building their metaphysical body, but that shouldn't be something that is contained to clubs of white men.
For example, if a campus is going to have a “politically correct code” they should literally go around campus and take a poll asking everyone what words they are ok with. Because I promise not every black person wants to be called “African American”, but we just start throwing labels on them and call it “right”. If schools could start being community organizations, instead of businesses that sell degrees and diplomas, we could start having MUCH smarter kids and adults. Because kids are adults one day.
I think that just about everyone would admit the world is not perfect, but if we want it to be perfect, we need to get our kids together. We need to get the future of the human race on a track that IS the human race. We don't need a few people in charge of everyone, hoping that the next few people will come along and change things. We need people, schools and teachers that are willing to learn and teach about EVERYTHING, especially things that seem to be “gone” but can still be pointed at. If you think racism is gone, but you can type in KKK on YouTube and find videos of cross burning ceremonies from 2013, then racism is not gone and we need to talk about it. It is ok to have opposing views in this country, but when you make it “fun” for kids to say “kill X” you are no longer just sharing a view, you are spreading a virus.
Education should also be linked to food. If we are going to have people that are properly educated, we need people that are properly fed. That means they need more open schedules, and more time to sleep so that they don't think of sleeping before eating. Which, in the current system, sounds impossible. But would be simple to implement in a system of partnership and group work. If we had kids working together in class, they would finish class work faster, allowing for more discussion. And teachers might not like discussion, but discussion is where true education lives. People learn a lot more from someone that is on their level, than they do from someone standing in front of a classroom talking down to them. Getting more projects done, in the end, translates into less work needed to be done at home. And tighter groups means that people will most likely do things together outside of class, regardless of whether or not their is a project that needs to be done. And people that get a long, work a lot better together. So over all, students are happy, more ACTUAL work gets done, and classrooms have the ability to grow past the curriculum, possibly even inventing new methods of doing things.
This brings me to the point of art. Art is made to seem WAY to esoteric and “classy”. Art should not be an indulgence of the rich, but a regular part of every day life and human expression as it was in ancient times. The pyramid itself has graffiti from the gangs that built it. Art has SO much more meaning than we give it, and it's meaning can not be released unless we allow art to become a part of the pilgrimage that we call life. We are all trying to get somewhere and trying to complete something, whether that be to create a family, or a legacy, or help your parents, or your people. We all have goals and destinations in life, and art should reflect that. So that in the future people know that we were more than just Facebook profiles and writing on a page. We are people. We are going somewhere. We have been places. We have done great things. We will do even greater things.
And art brings me to politics. Same as art, we treat politics like some esoteric study that is somewhat distant from us, but effects our lives. What we don't realize is that politics is all around us. Politics is when you are mad about the speed limit. Politics is when you get mad at the old lady writing checks and not keeping up with the times. Politics is getting on Facebook and adding or deleting a friend. And it all effects everything. Coincidence is the bulk of our lives. Aziz Ansari, at his performances, asks people about their wedding stories. And he says that about 20% of stories are romantic, the rest are like “I was at a party and we started talking, then we were together for a while and one thing led to another”. Life is GREATLY dictated by the coincidences that we run into. Another example. Vanilla Ice (or whatever that 80s white rappers name was) he was at a club, and people were booing him off the stage. But there just so happened to be a guy there that was a talent manager, and he just had him preform at a club across the street and change his name to vannila ice or whatever. And he was a hit.
Most people that are successful have stories like that, where they put themselves out there, or someone pushed them to put themselves out there. And somehow it just happened.
This is because the world is void of leaders. As I said before, we do not teach our kids what true leadership is. We do not teach them how to be larger than themselves as far as intellectual work. You may be a single body with 2 hands, but you can become an entire organization if you have things for people to read, watch and learn from. Because in todays world, there is not much REAL learning going on, so people are HUNGRY. Imagine you are a christian and I am an atheist and we want to debate, you bring the bible, I bring nothing. I can have read the bible, and pretty much figure out EVERY argument you are going to have, while also realizing that you are probably going to end the discussion by saying “well god is great” and walking away. In the end, you have accomplished nothing but feel like you won, and I have furthered my understanding of Christians. Now, I can go online and add to my BODY OF WORK which makes me larger as an individual. I am now teaching OTHER people what I have learned from my dispute from you, and you might think “Well I can go to church and do the same thing” and that is great, but your church is not growing as fast as the internet. In the end the person standing on the bible is left in the dust, while the person standing on their own body of work can move on to have discussions with other people.
This concept of “building a body of work” is the same way law grows. In case you have not been told, we are governed by laws. Which is a drastic change from in the past when we were governed by man. When we were governed by man it was just about what the royal family wanted. Their word was law. But now, we have trials and people collectively make these decisions by arguing them out. But because of the state of education in this country, we are at a point where the bulk of the population does not feel as if court houses have anything to do with them, because they are not criminals. When that could not be further from the truth. Maybe they don't see themselves as criminals, but when the judge is putting a law in place, they don't think about the casual family. They are only concerned about the families they eat meals with and put money into things together with. Everyone should be concerned with law, as it is your ruler. If we had a king, would you not be concerned with what he was doing? A lot of people beleive that leadership is about pointing people in the direction they need to go.
Leadership is not about the ability to control lots of people, and ideas like “government” and “power” are not about who is “in control”. Government is about who is PUSHING the people in power, not about who is in power. If I am a racist, right wing, white, 80 year old president and 15,000,000 people of all races come to my doorstep. I either have to do whatever they say, or declare war on the American people, making me the worst president in history. And most likely the president that destroyed the union. So it is not really about who is in control, it is about how far you are willing to go to tell that person (non-violently) how strong the people feel about an issue. And leadership is not about having the ability to control lots of people, it is the ability to show strength when a group of people needs someone to be strong. It is the ability to show people what courtesy is, and to humble yourself in any situation. Everyone is human, everyone wants respect, everyone deserves to be treated the same. If you feel like people should be opening doors for you and kissing your ass, then you are not a leader. You are simply a “Diva” or as Sarah Silverman would say “a cunt”. A true leader is someone that is willing to go where everyone else is afraid to go, then yell “come on in, the water is fine”.
A lot of people seem to think that it is ok to just send your kid away, to learn about stuff that you feel is probably different than what you learned in school. I'm not saying the 70s and 80s were the pinnacle of educational wisdom, but if your kids are going to be learning things you don't think you learned, you should at least spend one day a month in that class to make sure your kids ARE learning. And I'm not saying make sure they are not chatting with friends, I'm saying make sure that teacher is going OFF curriculum and not as a racist or alcoholic. Home schooling is best, as your kid will learn a lot more about what they want to learn about, which in the end will translate into more general learning.
School has forgotten the importance of music in education. Some schools have even dropped music programs to save money. But music is inherently important to math and interaction. If students come together to make music, they are better at working together in general at the end of the musical process. And to strip rhythm and beat from kids trying to learn math really just makes no sense. If you want your kid to be able to relate to math, the best way would be to help them understand music. Sure you can tell them to try to imagine they are dividing and multiplying candy bars, but wouldn't it be much more effective for them to understand octaves and notes? So that they will just naturally have an inherent understanding of numbers? Without the social nature, and educational aspect of music, we can not have a true “educational” system. Our children are not being edified, they are being molded into things for University, people that respect random authority, simply because it is placed in front of them.
Now, for what may be my final point, but I feel like this article is going to grow. Education is not about individual progress, if it were, we would have a king and we would all work for the good of the king, and we would be the greatest nation on Earth. Education is a GROUP process, and if we keep treating it like it's not, we will continue to have a corporate world and government that can only barely function.
not to diss but if that's a summary you've already lost the audience. as for our education consult the nearest wikipedia designer cause our kids won't know what encyclopedia or library is.
not to diss but if that's a summary you've already lost the audience. as for our education consult the nearest wikipedia designer cause our kids won't know what encyclopedia or library is.

Lol, this isn't just for random stoners. I posted this like 10 places.
Currently, the educational system is viewed no differently than any business sector, which translates into a massive slack in global business. When we send children to University, we do not think about what they might actually achieve, we think about what kind of paper they might come out with. And because of this, businesses like medicine and prison are severely handicapped.Firstly, prison is a business. It is meant to be a place for people who are dangerous to our society to be kept, and sometimes executed. Once a person commits a heinous enough crime to become a “prisoner” they are property of the state. But because our educational system is fractured, there are people that should be in treatment or therapy, that are instead being subject to the same treatment as violent and master criminals, as well as being placed in a situation where they must co-operate with them. Which breeds a larger “criminal class” than we would have in a system with a higher educational and perceptual standard.This same problem is present in the medical “industry”, yes, medicine is a business as well. And when you are doing business, you form business relationships. And when you form business relationships, you tend to focus on what is best for the relationship instead of what is best for the world. So now we have massive medical corporations, sharing production means and methods with an oil industry, and neither industry is interested in looking for alternatives to what they are doing. So we have oil companies raping the earth while we pay them for it, and medical companies spending money on rallies and races instead of researching for cures. Because it's not about what people say they want, it's about what people are willing to pay for.Now, education. Education is both the problem and the solution.1. In the past, they discovered how to do things for the first time and spread that knowledge. We now know many past methods to be detrimental to human and animal life, and have since developed new ways of doing the same things. But you can not teach an old dog new tricks, so we've got a bunch of old oil tycoons looking for any way they can to get away with what they used to just call “how you do it”.2. Because people do not understand these processes and things themselves, they think “we will leave that to someone smarter” and then someone with a drill and dollar signs in his eyes comes a long, and takes that position.3. People go to college to learn about things that will make them money, not about things that they seem particularly good at.4. School is not truly educational. Any of us could buy those books and read them ourselves, and even have someone open random pages and write a quiz for us. The value of school is the fact that SO MANY minds are int he same place, and all of them have a similar desire, but all of them have a different perception of that desire and how to get to it. So school actually HURTS your education by having you submit your mind to a random authority figure. Same as when you let a police officer write you a ticket for something you didn't think you did, if you had a rule book in front of you, you could tell him where he was mistaken. We ALL have textbooks in class, so why not constantly have an open discussion?5. Doctors don't go to school because they are passionate about saving lives (not all of them any way) and some of them come out of school not knowing what to really do. So the pill companies will come in, and tell them what to sell for what illness or ailment, and the doctor just repeats it. He hears the word “depressed” and he thinks “thank god I don't have to look into this further” then spouts “Zoloft” because a Zoloft rep came buy and dropped off a bunch, and he gets a commission for every prescription he writes for them. So you feel like you got help, and he feels like he got away with not really doing any work or fretting.6. Bad people run the GMO companies. GMOs were fine in the 60s and all the way through the 80s. Then Monsanto started trying to give plants new defense mechanisms. Like corn that has natural pesticides, but you feed it to rats and they die. These things are NOT good for the environment, we don't need to be splicing fruits and sea urchins (or other weird things), because that plant might have some random dormant DNA that has the ability to turn that sea urchin poison into some airborne person poison. And we don't know what happens to people when they eat sea urchin poison in small amounts over long periods of time. It's just not good to fuck with shit like that.Now, taking bean vines, and applying them to like watermelons to help water melons grow more solidly. That is fine. Those are 2 plants, mixing DNA. Happens in the wild all the time. But you take a plant and an animal, and a poison animal at that, and just throw them together. It can go directions we don't plan.So education is extremely important, because I bet some people are sitting here right now shaking there heads calling me crazy. But this is the truth, and if we have more educated genetic engineers, that had a distrust for Monsanto, we could probably develop the crops of the future.The current educational system places 1 person in front of the room, and deems them as “the most intelligent in the room” or at least “the one with all the answers” when this is simply not true. We need a system that brings minds together. I might be a crazy physics mastermind, but that doesn't mean I don't need a chemist by my side every once in a while. We need to take the same approach with education, because this is the world that you will be in after your education is complete anyways.Right now there is something known as “cheating”, which is when kids share answers. I think that cheating needs to be limited to the STEALING of answers from the teacher or test key, and the sharing of answers in a classroom by way of actual mental labor should be called SHARING. If we are going to create a generation of children, at ANY point in human history, that can solve the problems of the world. I promise that we will do it by getting kids to work together, and understand that they have weaknesses that others can cover. This is how medicine works, this is how war works, this is how government works, this is how simple business operations work. So why is this not how education works? Why when it comes to education, all the sudden it is ok for someone to think they can handle all of “Math” or all of “Science” by themselves. That is just a ridiculous thought. Because even while those kids are in school being told to master everything “or else”, they are at the same time being told to choose a profession that fits what they are best at. But how can a kid find out what they are best at, when you strip them out of the group, when you strip them of the fun in education. How can someone decide what they “are” as far as profession is concerned (or as humanity is concerned) in a situation that feels like a 9-5 cubical job. Where you are part of a pretend team, when in reality your paper submissions are the only thing that are considered “part” of anything. You are just part of payroll. Except at school you don't get paid, and you pay to be there in college, so that's even worse.We are basically preparing our children to be under motivated, undecided adults. There are teen leadership classes, but I bet they don't talk about Hannibal or Spartacus or any REAL historical LEADERS that brought people from NOTHING to the forefront of history. We do not have natural leaders being led to their true potential, Masonry educates people about building their metaphysical body, but that shouldn't be something that is contained to clubs of white men.For example, if a campus is going to have a “politically correct code” they should literally go around campus and take a poll asking everyone what words they are ok with. Because I promise not every black person wants to be called “African American”, but we just start throwing labels on them and call it “right”. If schools could start being community organizations, instead of businesses that sell degrees and diplomas, we could start having MUCH smarter kids and adults. Because kids are adults one day.I think that just about everyone would admit the world is not perfect, but if we want it to be perfect, we need to get our kids together. We need to get the future of the human race on a track that IS the human race. We don't need a few people in charge of everyone, hoping that the next few people will come along and change things. We need people, schools and teachers that are willing to learn and teach about EVERYTHING, especially things that seem to be “gone” but can still be pointed at. If you think racism is gone, but you can type in KKK on YouTube and find videos of cross burning ceremonies from 2013, then racism is not gone and we need to talk about it. It is ok to have opposing views in this country, but when you make it “fun” for kids to say “kill X” you are no longer just sharing a view, you are spreading a virus.Education should also be linked to food. If we are going to have people that are properly educated, we need people that are properly fed. That means they need more open schedules, and more time to sleep so that they don't think of sleeping before eating. Which, in the current system, sounds impossible. But would be simple to implement in a system of partnership and group work. If we had kids working together in class, they would finish class work faster, allowing for more discussion. And teachers might not like discussion, but discussion is where true education lives. People learn a lot more from someone that is on their level, than they do from someone standing in front of a classroom talking down to them. Getting more projects done, in the end, translates into less work needed to be done at home. And tighter groups means that people will most likely do things together outside of class, regardless of whether or not their is a project that needs to be done. And people that get a long, work a lot better together. So over all, students are happy, more ACTUAL work gets done, and classrooms have the ability to grow past the curriculum, possibly even inventing new methods of doing things.This brings me to the point of art. Art is made to seem WAY to esoteric and “classy”. Art should not be an indulgence of the rich, but a regular part of every day life and human expression as it was in ancient times. The pyramid itself has graffiti from the gangs that built it. Art has SO much more meaning than we give it, and it's meaning can not be released unless we allow art to become a part of the pilgrimage that we call life. We are all trying to get somewhere and trying to complete something, whether that be to create a family, or a legacy, or help your parents, or your people. We all have goals and destinations in life, and art should reflect that. So that in the future people know that we were more than just Facebook profiles and writing on a page. We are people. We are going somewhere. We have been places. We have done great things. We will do even greater things.And art brings me to politics. Same as art, we treat politics like some esoteric study that is somewhat distant from us, but effects our lives. What we don't realize is that politics is all around us. Politics is when you are mad about the speed limit. Politics is when you get mad at the old lady writing checks and not keeping up with the times. Politics is getting on Facebook and adding or deleting a friend. And it all effects everything. Coincidence is the bulk of our lives. Aziz Ansari, at his performances, asks people about their wedding stories. And he says that about 20% of stories are romantic, the rest are like “I was at a party and we started talking, then we were together for a while and one thing led to another”. Life is GREATLY dictated by the coincidences that we run into. Another example. Vanilla Ice (or whatever that 80s white rappers name was) he was at a club, and people were booing him off the stage. But there just so happened to be a guy there that was a talent manager, and he just had him preform at a club across the street and change his name to vannila ice or whatever. And he was a hit.Most people that are successful have stories like that, where they put themselves out there, or someone pushed them to put themselves out there. And somehow it just happened.This is because the world is void of leaders. As I said before, we do not teach our kids what true leadership is. We do not teach them how to be larger than themselves as far as intellectual work. You may be a single body with 2 hands, but you can become an entire organization if you have things for people to read, watch and learn from. Because in todays world, there is not much REAL learning going on, so people are HUNGRY. Imagine you are a christian and I am an atheist and we want to debate, you bring the bible, I bring nothing. I can have read the bible, and pretty much figure out EVERY argument you are going to have, while also realizing that you are probably going to end the discussion by saying “well god is great” and walking away. In the end, you have accomplished nothing but feel like you won, and I have furthered my understanding of Christians. Now, I can go online and add to my BODY OF WORK which makes me larger as an individual. I am now teaching OTHER people what I have learned from my dispute from you, and you might think “Well I can go to church and do the same thing” and that is great, but your church is not growing as fast as the internet. In the end the person standing on the bible is left in the dust, while the person standing on their own body of work can move on to have discussions with other people.This concept of “building a body of work” is the same way law grows. In case you have not been told, we are governed by laws. Which is a drastic change from in the past when we were governed by man. When we were governed by man it was just about what the royal family wanted. Their word was law. But now, we have trials and people collectively make these decisions by arguing them out. But because of the state of education in this country, we are at a point where the bulk of the population does not feel as if court houses have anything to do with them, because they are not criminals. When that could not be further from the truth. Maybe they don't see themselves as criminals, but when the judge is putting a law in place, they don't think about the casual family. They are only concerned about the families they eat meals with and put money into things together with. Everyone should be concerned with law, as it is your ruler. If we had a king, would you not be concerned with what he was doing? A lot of people beleive that leadership is about pointing people in the direction they need to go.Leadership is not about the ability to control lots of people, and ideas like “government” and “power” are not about who is “in control”. Government is about who is PUSHING the people in power, not about who is in power. If I am a racist, right wing, white, 80 year old president and 15,000,000 people of all races come to my doorstep. I either have to do whatever they say, or declare war on the American people, making me the worst president in history. And most likely the president that destroyed the union. So it is not really about who is in control, it is about how far you are willing to go to tell that person (non-violently) how strong the people feel about an issue. And leadership is not about having the ability to control lots of people, it is the ability to show strength when a group of people needs someone to be strong. It is the ability to show people what courtesy is, and to humble yourself in any situation. Everyone is human, everyone wants respect, everyone deserves to be treated the same. If you feel like people should be opening doors for you and kissing your ass, then you are not a leader. You are simply a “Diva” or as Sarah Silverman would say “a cunt”. A true leader is someone that is willing to go where everyone else is afraid to go, then yell “come on in, the water is fine”.A lot of people seem to think that it is ok to just send your kid away, to learn about stuff that you feel is probably different than what you learned in school. I'm not saying the 70s and 80s were the pinnacle of educational wisdom, but if your kids are going to be learning things you don't think you learned, you should at least spend one day a month in that class to make sure your kids ARE learning. And I'm not saying make sure they are not chatting with friends, I'm saying make sure that teacher is going OFF curriculum and not as a racist or alcoholic. Home schooling is best, as your kid will learn a lot more about what they want to learn about, which in the end will translate into more general learning.School has forgotten the importance of music in education. Some schools have even dropped music programs to save money. But music is inherently important to math and interaction. If students come together to make music, they are better at working together in general at the end of the musical process. And to strip rhythm and beat from kids trying to learn math really just makes no sense. If you want your kid to be able to relate to math, the best way would be to help them understand music. Sure you can tell them to try to imagine they are dividing and multiplying candy bars, but wouldn't it be much more effective for them to understand octaves and notes? So that they will just naturally have an inherent understanding of numbers? Without the social nature, and educational aspect of music, we can not have a true “educational” system. Our children are not being edified, they are being molded into things for University, people that respect random authority, simply because it is placed in front of them.Now, for what may be my final point, but I feel like this article is going to grow. Education is not about individual progress, if it were, we would have a king and we would all work for the good of the king, and we would be the greatest nation on Earth. Education is a GROUP process, and if we keep treating it like it's not, we will continue to have a corporate world and government that can only barely function.
Well after reading what you have to say lol jk i didn't read that shit......nigga im high
He wanted to try to make me out to be a child molester when I was a child and now he realized I wasn't a child molester as a child and now keeps telling everyone I was raped. Is this allowed? I can't even embed songs on my grow journal related to my grow, but he can post this shit on the journal? Will someone please realize that I am not the troll here?

I can't read something that long about education from someone who posted this. After I read this, I can't take you seriously.
currently, the educational system is viewed no differently than any business sector, which translates into a massive slack in global business. When we send children to university, we do not think about what they might actually achieve, we think about what kind of paper they might come out with. And because of this, businesses like medicine and prison are severely handicapped.
firstly, prison is a business. It is meant to be a place for people who are dangerous to our society to be kept, and sometimes executed. Once a person commits a heinous enough crime to become a “prisoner” they are property of the state. But because our educational system is fractured, there are people that should be in treatment or therapy, that are instead being subject to the same treatment as violent and master criminals, as well as being placed in a situation where they must co-operate with them. Which breeds a larger “criminal class” than we would have in a system with a higher educational and perceptual standard.
this same problem is present in the medical “industry”, yes, medicine is a business as well. And when you are doing business, you form business relationships. And when you form business relationships, you tend to focus on what is best for the relationship instead of what is best for the world. So now we have massive medical corporations, sharing production means and methods with an oil industry, and neither industry is interested in looking for alternatives to what they are doing. So we have oil companies raping the earth while we pay them for it, and medical companies spending money on rallies and races instead of researching for cures. Because it's not about what people say they want, it's about what people are willing to pay for.
now, education. Education is both the problem and the solution.
1. In the past, they discovered how to do things for the first time and spread that knowledge. We now know many past methods to be detrimental to human and animal life, and have since developed new ways of doing the same things. But you can not teach an old dog new tricks, so we've got a bunch of old oil tycoons looking for any way they can to get away with what they used to just call “how you do it”.
2. Because people do not understand these processes and things themselves, they think “we will leave that to someone smarter” and then someone with a drill and dollar signs in his eyes comes a long, and takes that position.
3. People go to college to learn about things that will make them money, not about things that they seem particularly good at.
4. School is not truly educational. Any of us could buy those books and read them ourselves, and even have someone open random pages and write a quiz for us. The value of school is the fact that so many minds are int he same place, and all of them have a similar desire, but all of them have a different perception of that desire and how to get to it. So school actually hurts your education by having you submit your mind to a random authority figure. Same as when you let a police officer write you a ticket for something you didn't think you did, if you had a rule book in front of you, you could tell him where he was mistaken. We all have textbooks in class, so why not constantly have an open discussion?
5. Doctors don't go to school because they are passionate about saving lives (not all of them any way) and some of them come out of school not knowing what to really do. So the pill companies will come in, and tell them what to sell for what illness or ailment, and the doctor just repeats it. He hears the word “depressed” and he thinks “thank god i don't have to look into this further” then spouts “zoloft” because a zoloft rep came buy and dropped off a bunch, and he gets a commission for every prescription he writes for them. So you feel like you got help, and he feels like he got away with not really doing any work or fretting.
6. Bad people run the gmo companies. Gmos were fine in the 60s and all the way through the 80s. Then monsanto started trying to give plants new defense mechanisms. Like corn that has natural pesticides, but you feed it to rats and they die. These things are not good for the environment, we don't need to be splicing fruits and sea urchins (or other weird things), because that plant might have some random dormant dna that has the ability to turn that sea urchin poison into some airborne person poison. And we don't know what happens to people when they eat sea urchin poison in small amounts over long periods of time. It's just not good to fuck with shit like that.
now, taking bean vines, and applying them to like watermelons to help water melons grow more solidly. That is fine. Those are 2 plants, mixing dna. Happens in the wild all the time. But you take a plant and an animal, and a poison animal at that, and just throw them together. It can go directions we don't plan.
so education is extremely important, because i bet some people are sitting here right now shaking there heads calling me crazy. But this is the truth, and if we have more educated genetic engineers, that had a distrust for monsanto, we could probably develop the crops of the future.
the current educational system places 1 person in front of the room, and deems them as “the most intelligent in the room” or at least “the one with all the answers” when this is simply not true. We need a system that brings minds together. I might be a crazy physics mastermind, but that doesn't mean i don't need a chemist by my side every once in a while. We need to take the same approach with education, because this is the world that you will be in after your education is complete anyways.
right now there is something known as “cheating”, which is when kids share answers. I think that cheating needs to be limited to the stealing of answers from the teacher or test key, and the sharing of answers in a classroom by way of actual mental labor should be called sharing. If we are going to create a generation of children, at any point in human history, that can solve the problems of the world. I promise that we will do it by getting kids to work together, and understand that they have weaknesses that others can cover. This is how medicine works, this is how war works, this is how government works, this is how simple business operations work. So why is this not how education works? Why when it comes to education, all the sudden it is ok for someone to think they can handle all of “math” or all of “science” by themselves. That is just a ridiculous thought. Because even while those kids are in school being told to master everything “or else”, they are at the same time being told to choose a profession that fits what they are best at. But how can a kid find out what they are best at, when you strip them out of the group, when you strip them of the fun in education. How can someone decide what they “are” as far as profession is concerned (or as humanity is concerned) in a situation that feels like a 9-5 cubical job. Where you are part of a pretend team, when in reality your paper submissions are the only thing that are considered “part” of anything. You are just part of payroll. Except at school you don't get paid, and you pay to be there in college, so that's even worse.
we are basically preparing our children to be under motivated, undecided adults. There are teen leadership classes, but i bet they don't talk about hannibal or spartacus or any real historical leaders that brought people from nothing to the forefront of history. We do not have natural leaders being led to their true potential, masonry educates people about building their metaphysical body, but that shouldn't be something that is contained to clubs of white men.
for example, if a campus is going to have a “politically correct code” they should literally go around campus and take a poll asking everyone what words they are ok with. Because i promise not every black person wants to be called “african american”, but we just start throwing labels on them and call it “right”. If schools could start being community organizations, instead of businesses that sell degrees and diplomas, we could start having much smarter kids and adults. Because kids are adults one day.
i think that just about everyone would admit the world is not perfect, but if we want it to be perfect, we need to get our kids together. We need to get the future of the human race on a track that is the human race. We don't need a few people in charge of everyone, hoping that the next few people will come along and change things. We need people, schools and teachers that are willing to learn and teach about everything, especially things that seem to be “gone” but can still be pointed at. If you think racism is gone, but you can type in kkk on youtube and find videos of cross burning ceremonies from 2013, then racism is not gone and we need to talk about it. It is ok to have opposing views in this country, but when you make it “fun” for kids to say “kill x” you are no longer just sharing a view, you are spreading a virus.
education should also be linked to food. If we are going to have people that are properly educated, we need people that are properly fed. That means they need more open schedules, and more time to sleep so that they don't think of sleeping before eating. Which, in the current system, sounds impossible. But would be simple to implement in a system of partnership and group work. If we had kids working together in class, they would finish class work faster, allowing for more discussion. And teachers might not like discussion, but discussion is where true education lives. People learn a lot more from someone that is on their level, than they do from someone standing in front of a classroom talking down to them. Getting more projects done, in the end, translates into less work needed to be done at home. And tighter groups means that people will most likely do things together outside of class, regardless of whether or not their is a project that needs to be done. And people that get a long, work a lot better together. So over all, students are happy, more actual work gets done, and classrooms have the ability to grow past the curriculum, possibly even inventing new methods of doing things.
this brings me to the point of art. Art is made to seem way to esoteric and “classy”. Art should not be an indulgence of the rich, but a regular part of every day life and human expression as it was in ancient times. The pyramid itself has graffiti from the gangs that built it. Art has so much more meaning than we give it, and it's meaning can not be released unless we allow art to become a part of the pilgrimage that we call life. We are all trying to get somewhere and trying to complete something, whether that be to create a family, or a legacy, or help your parents, or your people. We all have goals and destinations in life, and art should reflect that. So that in the future people know that we were more than just facebook profiles and writing on a page. We are people. We are going somewhere. We have been places. We have done great things. We will do even greater things.
and art brings me to politics. Same as art, we treat politics like some esoteric study that is somewhat distant from us, but effects our lives. What we don't realize is that politics is all around us. Politics is when you are mad about the speed limit. Politics is when you get mad at the old lady writing checks and not keeping up with the times. Politics is getting on facebook and adding or deleting a friend. And it all effects everything. Coincidence is the bulk of our lives. Aziz ansari, at his performances, asks people about their wedding stories. And he says that about 20% of stories are romantic, the rest are like “i was at a party and we started talking, then we were together for a while and one thing led to another”. Life is greatly dictated by the coincidences that we run into. Another example. Vanilla ice (or whatever that 80s white rappers name was) he was at a club, and people were booing him off the stage. But there just so happened to be a guy there that was a talent manager, and he just had him preform at a club across the street and change his name to vannila ice or whatever. And he was a hit.
most people that are successful have stories like that, where they put themselves out there, or someone pushed them to put themselves out there. And somehow it just happened.
this is because the world is void of leaders. As i said before, we do not teach our kids what true leadership is. We do not teach them how to be larger than themselves as far as intellectual work. You may be a single body with 2 hands, but you can become an entire organization if you have things for people to read, watch and learn from. Because in todays world, there is not much real learning going on, so people are hungry. Imagine you are a christian and i am an atheist and we want to debate, you bring the bible, i bring nothing. I can have read the bible, and pretty much figure out every argument you are going to have, while also realizing that you are probably going to end the discussion by saying “well god is great” and walking away. In the end, you have accomplished nothing but feel like you won, and i have furthered my understanding of christians. Now, i can go online and add to my body of work which makes me larger as an individual. I am now teaching other people what i have learned from my dispute from you, and you might think “well i can go to church and do the same thing” and that is great, but your church is not growing as fast as the internet. In the end the person standing on the bible is left in the dust, while the person standing on their own body of work can move on to have discussions with other people.
this concept of “building a body of work” is the same way law grows. In case you have not been told, we are governed by laws. Which is a drastic change from in the past when we were governed by man. When we were governed by man it was just about what the royal family wanted. Their word was law. But now, we have trials and people collectively make these decisions by arguing them out. But because of the state of education in this country, we are at a point where the bulk of the population does not feel as if court houses have anything to do with them, because they are not criminals. When that could not be further from the truth. Maybe they don't see themselves as criminals, but when the judge is putting a law in place, they don't think about the casual family. They are only concerned about the families they eat meals with and put money into things together with. Everyone should be concerned with law, as it is your ruler. If we had a king, would you not be concerned with what he was doing? A lot of people beleive that leadership is about pointing people in the direction they need to go.
leadership is not about the ability to control lots of people, and ideas like “government” and “power” are not about who is “in control”. Government is about who is pushing the people in power, not about who is in power. If i am a racist, right wing, white, 80 year old president and 15,000,000 people of all races come to my doorstep. I either have to do whatever they say, or declare war on the american people, making me the worst president in history. And most likely the president that destroyed the union. So it is not really about who is in control, it is about how far you are willing to go to tell that person (non-violently) how strong the people feel about an issue. And leadership is not about having the ability to control lots of people, it is the ability to show strength when a group of people needs someone to be strong. It is the ability to show people what courtesy is, and to humble yourself in any situation. Everyone is human, everyone wants respect, everyone deserves to be treated the same. If you feel like people should be opening doors for you and kissing your ass, then you are not a leader. You are simply a “diva” or as sarah silverman would say “a cunt”. A true leader is someone that is willing to go where everyone else is afraid to go, then yell “come on in, the water is fine”.
a lot of people seem to think that it is ok to just send your kid away, to learn about stuff that you feel is probably different than what you learned in school. I'm not saying the 70s and 80s were the pinnacle of educational wisdom, but if your kids are going to be learning things you don't think you learned, you should at least spend one day a month in that class to make sure your kids are learning. And i'm not saying make sure they are not chatting with friends, i'm saying make sure that teacher is going off curriculum and not as a racist or alcoholic. Home schooling is best, as your kid will learn a lot more about what they want to learn about, which in the end will translate into more general learning.
school has forgotten the importance of music in education. Some schools have even dropped music programs to save money. But music is inherently important to math and interaction. If students come together to make music, they are better at working together in general at the end of the musical process. And to strip rhythm and beat from kids trying to learn math really just makes no sense. If you want your kid to be able to relate to math, the best way would be to help them understand music. Sure you can tell them to try to imagine they are dividing and multiplying candy bars, but wouldn't it be much more effective for them to understand octaves and notes? So that they will just naturally have an inherent understanding of numbers? Without the social nature, and educational aspect of music, we can not have a true “educational” system. Our children are not being edified, they are being molded into things for university, people that respect random authority, simply because it is placed in front of them.
now, for what may be my final point, but i feel like this article is going to grow. Education is not about individual progress, if it were, we would have a king and we would all work for the good of the king, and we would be the greatest nation on earth. Education is a group process, and if we keep treating it like it's not, we will continue to have a corporate world and government that can only barely function.


Whew, for a second there I thought fin schnitzel was back.
My mind naturally goes here

@fdd2blk this is the guy your abused wife fantasies about every time your smelly ass climbs on top if her. Your ungrateful cock chops need to put some respect on this mans name. Serio


FDD hasn't been around since last September. I like the peace and quiet.

His roof may have collapsed, it appeared to be in bad shape when he posted his addy and I googled his house pic.