The goal of legalized cannabis shouldn’t be corporate gold


Well-Known Member
Alan Young is an associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University. He has worked with the federal government to recognize cannabis in the medical drug schedule and led a number of constitutional challenges on drug and morality laws.

For the past 25 years I have worked to change Canada’s archaic legal approach to marijuana use. Having little faith in the political process and its partisan posturing, I turned to the courts and the Charter of Rights to challenge the constitutional validity of many laws that criminalize morally controversial activity among consenting adults.

Despite achieving enormous success in developing a constitutional protection for medical marijuana, the basic foundation of the marijuana prohibition remained intact after the flurry of court cases. Having grown weary of battle, I was thrilled when the Liberal party pledged to legalize marijuana in 2015. Of course, political promises are unenforceable and, in the past, being on the verge of reform often ended with a quiet re-entrenchment of the status quo. So my enthusiasm has been tempered by a strong dose of cynicism.

As the government crawls towards legalization with the appointment of yet another task force, my tempered enthusiasm has started to wane, replaced by dismay. Everywhere I look I see countless interested parties and stakeholders lining up to cash in on cannabis dollars.

Twenty years ago I predicted that cannabis would be legalized when governments and corporate entities realized the untold monetary treasures to be reaped upon legalization, just as gambling was legalized in the 1990s to reap billions of dollars in tax revenues. And now, licensed medical cannabis producers, drug stores, provincial governments, labour unions, marijuana dispensaries and predatory stock brokers all want a share of the market. Who can blame them? Cannabis is a capitalist’s dream considering the unprecedented economic opportunity of a ready-made customer base of millions.

I have always seen marijuana as a benign and mild intoxicant, and the less state regulation the better. However, I understand that some Canadians, and the government, see greater risks, and it is unlikely we will enter a legal world of grow-your-own, share with friends and sell small amounts to others. Canada has a tradition of overregulation and one can already sense that the government is poised to place a myriad of restrictions on production and distribution. Invariably, the more complex the regulatory framework, the more likely the market will be overrun by multinational corporations, Crown agencies and the heroes of big business. This completely undercuts the 1960s idealism which spawned our taste for the uplifting effects of marijuana; however, idealism always plays second fiddle to the realism of money markets.

Of greater concern is the fact that this fixation on economic issues and models of distribution has obscured the basic justification for promoting legalization as a sound policy choice for Canada. At its core, legalization is premised on three interrelated beliefs: 1) the activity is not sufficiently harmful to warrant criminalization; 2) using the blunt instrument of the criminal law justice system to eradicate the activity has been proven to cause more harm than good; 3) the activity has become so prevalent that the law has been rendered ineffective.

So in moving down the road to legalization, the focus should not be on the mode of distribution and who will reap the economic benefit. Although this may be important to the venture capitalists and consumers, a more fundamental question must first be addressed by government: What should the proper legal response be to the multitude of pot consumers who have no interest in, and perhaps even an aversion to, corporate marijuana?

It must be recognized that a vibrant underground cannabis culture has been evolving for decades. If the government maintains the taboo on self-production and local dispensaries, there will remain hundreds of thousands of cannabis users and producers who will refuse to go to the liquor or drug store to purchase cannabis. If excluded from the new market, the underground will continue to flourish, and this government must decide what to do with the outliers. If the fallback position is that anyone who does not comply with the rules of the market must be dealt with by the criminal justice system, then we have not achieved legalization.

The outliers cannot be considered criminals solely for running the very same business operations sanctioned and exploited by the government and corporate Canada. If a basic premise of legalization is that the activity is not sufficiently harmful to warrant jail and a criminal record, it cannot be converted back into criminal conduct simply because it is being done without proper licensing. Of course, some type of regulatory offence will have been committed, akin to fishing without a licence, but once a government gives the legal seal of approval to an activity it loses the moral right to condemn and criminalize the renegades operating without a licence.

For the most part, the underground cannabis culture has been occupied by pot-heads so driven by their love of cannabis that they can carve a bong out of cucumber in thirty seconds or less. They are not a threat to our communities. If this government continues to demonize marijuana and perpetuate the myth that the cannabis community is overrun by criminals, then it is likely they will exclude this community from participating in the legalized world. In which case all we will have achieved is a money-making venture for some, while leaving most others to face criminal sanction for refusing to leave the comfort of their underground world. In other words, we will have achieved nothing.
That was so well written. Those are my feelings exactly. Try making this the good old boys club and we will hand them their asses.
I could not have said it better or even this well. Perfect take on how it's gonna be imo.
Try making us as the patsies is also not gonna get them anywhere.
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That was sound well written. Those are my feelings exactly. Try making this the good old boys club and we will hand them their asses.
I could not have said it better or even this well. Perfect take on how it's gonna be imo.
Try making us as the patsies is also not gonna get them anywhere.

Good luck with that. The corporate takeover of cannabis- while leaving criminalization intact for those without the necessary paperwork- is well underway.
I like alan youngs piece....wasn't he the guy who helped Peace Naturals get their lp licence?...
Love your optimism but do you have any support for your position?
Yes sirreee we certainly do...

THE SIMPLE FACT WE WON IN COURT and that our SLOW FEDS will have to figure out just how badly they've been fucked over.
..............just has to go back to court to see that day... ;)
No worries!

They lost out when they said it was GOING LEGAL! (:
Sure they'll kick and scratch their way to something they think will benefit them but they;ll have to do it FOLLOWING US! having COURT push them back in order!

They;ll stop wasting money sooner or later. and figure out a new way to make it..just watch! They're in the process now. ;) Buying time is all because they are figuring out..They have lost this one..The biggest deal going known on this earth... ;)

I think ts awesome. :)

Bulshit finally loses out!! ;) :clap::clap:
Love your optimism but do you have any support for your position?
Yup. Our constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms...and the Supreme Court judges who uphold them. They have no legal public safety argument to ban home production, and oppressing freedoms for corporate profits isn't gonna fly. That's not saying they won't try, but they won't be successful.
Good luck with that. The corporate takeover of cannabis- while leaving criminalization intact for those without the necessary paperwork- is well underway.
IT has started , but will never reach it's destination.

Remember the Titanic?? Big idea, big money, big dream, and big disaster. Full steam ahead - we know what we are doing ! When one works against the forces of nature, one may find himself belittled by forces he can not control - Justin is a young spoiled punk of privilege - he will learn the hard way. I, along with many other Canadians will help teach him this. Is he too stupid to learn is my biggest concern with him....
Yup. Our constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms...and the Supreme Court judges who uphold them. They have no legal public safety argument to ban home production, and oppressing freedoms for corporate profits isn't gonna fly. That's not saying they won't try, but they won't be successful.
Sounds smart hope it goes like that
beyond smart... It's How it is. ;)

Its just no one has figured out just how bad the decision was when it comes to Corporate BS..
They've been taken out of the picture but they are trying as they will to find a niche...

they wont ;) as it's not possible to have that without giving up something else in return. ;)
and we all know THEY WANT IT ALL :lol:

good luck with that eh (: