The Golden Age of gaming 1980-2005


Well-Known Member
Before micro-transactions, DLC, pre-order, gold editions, EA becoming evil, etc. I mean some of it was there, but it seems every game released today is no longer the "full game". Remember buying only 1 version of the game and you got the full game? Some indie games try to do this today, but I don't think mainstream games will ever return to normal.
Before micro-transactions, DLC, pre-order, gold editions, EA becoming evil, etc. I mean some of it was there, but it seems every game released today is no longer the "full game". Remember buying only 1 version of the game and you got the full game? Some indie games try to do this today, but I don't think mainstream games will ever return to normal.
I remember buying doom on 1.44mb stiffy... Played that game for over a year and enjoyed every minute.. DII, Dungeon keeper and Duke followed, some of the best gaming years I have ever had!
yea i hate dlc its terrible i pay $80 to get the game on a disc 6 months later theres 3 dlcs and then a complete edition cd with the dlcs included for $80 again like wtf makes me not want to buy AAA titles until a year after they come out
yea i hate dlc its terrible i pay $80 to get the game on a disc 6 months later theres 3 dlcs and then a complete edition cd with the dlcs included for $80 again like wtf makes me not want to buy AAA titles until a year after they come out

With you there, rarely buy games on release. I've been getting my PC games from a site called CDKeyz, or scouting Steam sales.

First console was a SNES, Donkey Kong Country 1-3 and Ocarina of Time for the N64 are some of my favorite games.

But damn, I just finished Witcher 3 a few months back and it was legit one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life.
With you there, rarely buy games on release. I've been getting my PC games from a site called CDKeyz, or scouting Steam sales.

First console was a SNES, Donkey Kong Country 1-3 and Ocarina of Time for the N64 are some of my favorite games.

But damn, I just finished Witcher 3 a few months back and it was legit one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life.

i hear that pirating games i do my fair share, i got a modded ps3 and a modded ps4. on the ps4 my current collection is somewhere over 1600 titles. i can play nes, snes, psx, ps2, atari, etc on the ps4 as well unfortunatly the n64 titles are laggy needs more work. i used to play alot of pc but i think modded consoles are they way to go im actually currently typing this on my ps4 on a linux partition. with linux on the ps4 you can also install steam and play some steam games. steam also released there own version of steam for linux that is built ontop of wine so that you can run windows games on linux in steam as well worth the effort if you can get your hands on a modded console.
i hear that pirating games i do my fair share, i got a modded ps3 and a modded ps4. on the ps4 my current collection is somewhere over 1600 titles. i can play nes, snes, psx, ps2, atari, etc on the ps4 as well unfortunatly the n64 titles are laggy needs more work. i used to play alot of pc but i think modded consoles are they way to go im actually currently typing this on my ps4 on a linux partition. with linux on the ps4 you can also install steam and play some steam games. steam also released there own version of steam for linux that is built ontop of wine so that you can run windows games on linux in steam as well worth the effort if you can get your hands on a modded console.

I had Homebrew installed on my Wii way back when, and the custom firmware on the PSP.

PSP was the shit with CFW. PS3/4 CFW development must not be much of a priority for the devs working on it in their spare time, back in 2007/2008 I was playing N64 games on the PSP and its hardware pales in comparison. Could play anything up to the PS1/N64 generation of games, and all PSP games were free.

I used to make a killing in high school installing CFW on people's PSPs. $.25 per NES game, $.50 per SNES, $1 per N64, $5-10 per PS1 game, and $5-$20 per PSP game. Not to mention the $20 I'd charge to install the CFW in the first place.

I still prefer PC instead of modded consoles, personally. The devs usually update things religiously. I can't believe how far emulation has come in the last few decades.

Remember when ePSXe was new and it could barely do shit? Or when Project 64 was still on version 1.0? Shit takes me back haha

Biggest reasons I prefer emulation on the PC is because of the resolution scaling, HD texture packs, and forced 60fps on some games. Breath of the Wild and Wind Waker HD looks nuts on CEMU, 60fps with 21:9 aspect ratio support. I bought a 35in 3440x1440 monitor last year after saving up for a while and I just can't go back after experiencing that.
i hear that pirating games i do my fair share, i got a modded ps3 and a modded ps4. on the ps4 my current collection is somewhere over 1600 titles. i can play nes, snes, psx, ps2, atari, etc on the ps4 as well unfortunatly the n64 titles are laggy needs more work. i used to play alot of pc but i think modded consoles are they way to go im actually currently typing this on my ps4 on a linux partition. with linux on the ps4 you can also install steam and play some steam games. steam also released there own version of steam for linux that is built ontop of wine so that you can run windows games on linux in steam as well worth the effort if you can get your hands on a modded console.
Hell ya man. I've been pirating games since the Commodore 64 came out, lol.

My parents got me a private phone line so I ran a BBS for awhile. Before the internet. While I was at school people were calling up my computer and uploading me games. I had a ratio. Like for every game you give me, you can download 2 or 3.

All my consoles are hacked, except my sons PS3 and PS4. If I mod his PS4 he won't be able to play the online version against others would he? Or is there a way around that now.

I had Homebrew installed on my Wii way back when, and the custom firmware on the PSP.

PSP was the shit with CFW. PS3/4 CFW development must not be much of a priority for the devs working on it in their spare time, back in 2007/2008 I was playing N64 games on the PSP and its hardware pales in comparison. Could play anything up to the PS1/N64 generation of games, and all PSP games were free.

I used to make a killing in high school installing CFW on people's PSPs. $.25 per NES game, $.50 per SNES, $1 per N64, $5-10 per PS1 game, and $5-$20 per PSP game. Not to mention the $20 I'd charge to install the CFW in the first place.

I still prefer PC instead of modded consoles, personally. The devs usually update things religiously. I can't believe how far emulation has come in the last few decades.

Remember when ePSXe was new and it could barely do shit? Or when Project 64 was still on version 1.0? Shit takes me back haha

Biggest reasons I prefer emulation on the PC is because of the resolution scaling, HD texture packs, and forced 60fps on some games. Breath of the Wild and Wind Waker HD looks nuts on CEMU, 60fps with 21:9 aspect ratio support. I bought a 35in 3440x1440 monitor last year after saving up for a while and I just can't go back after experiencing that.
I still have my hacked PSP. That's a cool little system.

I had like 100 XBox games on a server once. Microsoft was calling my ISP complaining. My ISP finally called and told me Microsoft was getting mad. Well I wasn't selling anything, so it's not like they could really do much. I kept the server up. I just went to a different site to advertise it.