The good 'ol Governor


Well-Known Member
We found him again this a bar grand opening,lol

I was informed earlier in the day that my friend, a patient, had his appointment he made with the governors office 3 weeks before,...cancelled. So about a 1/2 hour later, I get a call from one of the compassion center owners saying he has the gov in providence at a bar opening.....really? He was "too busy" to keep an appointment from 3 weeks ago, but had time to hit the bar,...on our dime???

Well, I shot down there and we waited out front with the trooper to get a minute of the governors time. The trooper went to get the truck and we noticed,....he didn't come bac.....the fuckers ducking out the back door!! So we got to the back and sure enough,...there's captain we got a minute of his time and he told me he's on our side and wants to make this happen so I said how can you say that when u wont even talk to us and he replied thats nonsense, call the office and we'll set something up at which point I informed him that I'm the guy (I took the liberty of speaking for my friend and his family) that tried that 3 weeks ago, just to get cancelled on today so you could hit a BAR OPENING......


That trooper is getting damn good at getting him out of there when he's plain STUCK for an answer.....

He better get used to it fast.

Video by street team soldier Shaun Aponik



Active Member
Good working LBH!

It's too bad all of this stuff can't be on tape like the run in from few weeks ago. Although (I forget his name) was raising his voice a little, the gov. was getting really embarassed because he knows that what we say is real talk. The more people see this the more it hurts his integrity as a person and a leader of our state. It's getting to be less about this one issue and more about this person who is supposed to represent our state.

What if the flight approach was taken for everything that was controversial or had some sort of opposition?
Greetings LBH,

You just made my day. We need more people attending EVERY event that gov. Chaffe goes to until he gets the point. It was sad to see how he deflected you and jumped into his awaiting suv. He seemed confused when you put him in CHECK MATE and said "I did set up an apointment today and you cancelled". Looking forward to fighting the fight.

Best Regards



Well-Known Member
Sativa, we have an event page on f/b if you're interested, it's called "Chasing Chafee" where we keep the troops updated to his whereabouts....