the grim smoker or coughing coffin


Well-Known Member
i haven't decided yet if I'm going to call this one the grim smoker m or the coughing coffin . still a few things to make , bowl , mouth piece and lid screw .
i thought a little space to stash some bud or emergency matches would be nice .... no smoke passes threw it .

i think ill have time to finish it Thursday night .


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Yes I have seen proto pipes ...

A d thanks , I have a crappy 10 y/o camera couple that with the led shop lights it's hard to get any kind of decent picture .
It'll look a lot better once I've got everything made and can give em a spin in the tumbler .

Making random stuff relaxes me and I have a fair amount of free time ....
I think my new goal is going to be getting a few different ideas made and in a couple months when it's warmed up a little set up a table at the local flea market and make some new friends .
If you'd like I could merge your two threads together and transfer them to the journals forum and change the name to what you'd like. Anyway think about it and if you need any help with moving posts to get things organized as you'd like just holler.

Thanks , I think I can figure out how to move everything when I'm ready , if not I'll ask for help :)
surprisingly enough your not the first person to mention that , a friend brought up the mushroom idea .
unfortunately while it most definitely is possible it would take 3d machining and fixtures to do right . In other words , lots of time and money .
mushrooms just don't work in 2d outside of nintendo