so with the seasons close i decided too start work on my back garden its overgrown from 10 yrs resting and overcome by bindweed.
now it is going too take a good 6-10 months too fix so i needed something quick and easy. a local browse and i found growing bags for £1 gbp each. now in the uk this is cheap and a bargain not too be missed so i purchased 6 bags. these will be ideal as after use i can mix them into my compost barrel, waste not want not my grandad used too say.
Seeds well i could not grow without some seeds. in the same shop i found the bargain selection at £1 a packet. i went too town and purchased things i liked, White lisbon spring onion, Little gem lettuce, Tendergreen Dwarf bean, good old MoneyMaker tomato's, and long green ribbed cucumber.
Month 1:
so the suns out nearly and the rains are here. two weeks ago i planted up a single cayenne pepper seed and 8 sweet pepper seeds 4 seeds never popped out. so i have 1 cayenne and 4 sweet bell.
Planting was easy and cheap. i used 12 empty toilet rolls/kitchen towel rolls and cut them in half. next i filled these with compost from my bin and planted up a selection of rocket mizu and giant red mustard. the tubes are great i placed them into a tray and covered with clingfilm a couple of pin holes helped.
the salad and pepper seeds flourished in the toilet tube pots i had created and worked wonders. so after 4 days on the window sill every salad seed has sprouted and i transplanted them with tube and all into a couple of largish pots and placed onto window sill again. two weeks on and i now have around 18 very healthy salad plants ready too transplant or harvest when young.
The peppers are growing bigger every day too it feels like. and every night they draw their leaves upright and every morning they looks bigger than the day before as they lay down the even bigger looking seedling leaves.
Easter weekend is a pain i needed some fertilizer for my plants and no shops open i had too pull out the BabyBio, but am unsure if i should use it, no warnings on the bottle but too be safe and sure will check internet.
for my carrots i had an idea of using some old guttering downpipes cutting them into 2ft sections and tied together with old garden twine too make a carrot tube circle. filled with compots and soil the could accomodate a few carrots and hopefuly allow them too grow fairly big in the tubes.
It is still too wet and cold too plant out my seedlings so they wil have too stay on the windowsill for a couple more weeks for me and untill next month for you guys an gals.
Next month i shall show you the seedlings and there new and old homes and my growbag veg garden pictures.
Thank you
now it is going too take a good 6-10 months too fix so i needed something quick and easy. a local browse and i found growing bags for £1 gbp each. now in the uk this is cheap and a bargain not too be missed so i purchased 6 bags. these will be ideal as after use i can mix them into my compost barrel, waste not want not my grandad used too say.
Seeds well i could not grow without some seeds. in the same shop i found the bargain selection at £1 a packet. i went too town and purchased things i liked, White lisbon spring onion, Little gem lettuce, Tendergreen Dwarf bean, good old MoneyMaker tomato's, and long green ribbed cucumber.
Month 1:
so the suns out nearly and the rains are here. two weeks ago i planted up a single cayenne pepper seed and 8 sweet pepper seeds 4 seeds never popped out. so i have 1 cayenne and 4 sweet bell.
Planting was easy and cheap. i used 12 empty toilet rolls/kitchen towel rolls and cut them in half. next i filled these with compost from my bin and planted up a selection of rocket mizu and giant red mustard. the tubes are great i placed them into a tray and covered with clingfilm a couple of pin holes helped.
the salad and pepper seeds flourished in the toilet tube pots i had created and worked wonders. so after 4 days on the window sill every salad seed has sprouted and i transplanted them with tube and all into a couple of largish pots and placed onto window sill again. two weeks on and i now have around 18 very healthy salad plants ready too transplant or harvest when young.
The peppers are growing bigger every day too it feels like. and every night they draw their leaves upright and every morning they looks bigger than the day before as they lay down the even bigger looking seedling leaves.
Easter weekend is a pain i needed some fertilizer for my plants and no shops open i had too pull out the BabyBio, but am unsure if i should use it, no warnings on the bottle but too be safe and sure will check internet.
for my carrots i had an idea of using some old guttering downpipes cutting them into 2ft sections and tied together with old garden twine too make a carrot tube circle. filled with compots and soil the could accomodate a few carrots and hopefuly allow them too grow fairly big in the tubes.
It is still too wet and cold too plant out my seedlings so they wil have too stay on the windowsill for a couple more weeks for me and untill next month for you guys an gals.
Next month i shall show you the seedlings and there new and old homes and my growbag veg garden pictures.
Thank you