The hardest part of going 12/12.....

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
Must be your first grow too:mrgreen:
I close mine up in the morning before I leave and they're ready to open up when I get home.

Only trouble with the lights at night, I keep staying up till 3:00 in the morning:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I look at them so much I don't see any increase in bud production, but my mom says she sees a difference every week.


New Member
I have my lights on during the day. They sleep when I do. this avoids paranoia over the helicopter as they can only pick up unusual heat sources at night. Or more specifically, after midnight.

You're ok though if you're only running like say a 1000watts. In fact, a residential home should be ok for 2000w during the night. Any more and you're risking your home being earmarked.

They can't do anything, well not in my country, as they are only looking for the larger scale operations, with 10's of thousands worth of wattage. The next thing they do is figure out where they're getting their electricity, as they have to be stealing it. This is how they get their warrant.

Even if your place has been earmarked there is nothing they can do unless you give them some kind of IN.


Active Member
Good points Skunk...
I run lites during the day, that helps. Also only running one 400w system
That way I can at least wake em' up each morning ! ha!


Well-Known Member
yea it sucks not be able to check them lites my alarm so dark in my room but wen i turns on i know i gotta get ready for work!!


Well-Known Member
Just have to learn to be patient. I tend to my plants and stuff during their light period, and when the light goes off (I actually put them in a dark area as I am growing in pots outdoors) I feel like I have " put the kids to bed "
and it's kinda nice.I DO like checking out their progress each day when it's
lights on.The last 3 weeks of flowering is always fun to watch.


Active Member
The hardest part of going 12/12.....
I've read that using a Green Light will not effect the dark period and allows you to inspect your plants. I do not know where to get a Green Light, but it sounds like a good investment (long term).


Well-Known Member
If you feel the need to get a green light and sneak up on your plants splinter
cell style just so you can gawk at them...