the historic events which led to the illegality of cannabis in the u.s,a.


The late Jack Herer ,a former right wing ,vietnam advocate who later saw the political left light who advocated and campaigned ceaslessly to legalise cannabis highlighted in his documentary the rather strange way cananbis was criminilised back in the 1900's.
During the depression in the U.S.A. over a million Mexican immigrants moved to the south west and as jobs were in short supply so the native Americans were unhppy.This fostered a sitution where Mexicans were blamed for everything.
These Mexicans were fond of their nicknamed Marijuana and this was also demonised to the extent that it was to become public enemy number 1and blamed for crime to poverty to juniors headaches.This was the instigator to the criminilisation of Cannbis.:neutral::-?
I have paraphrased info from this link inorder for you to get a taste.Look at this link and read the rest of the history .You will find food for thought.:?
Dedicated to Jack Herer and the truth.Thankyou.