The humidity is going crazy in my room.

Hi all RIU members, since I started the flowering phase the humidity has been going crazy and even though I have an old dehumidifier I can assure you it works. Basically with the lights off the humidity goes to 38% and with the lights on it takes off to about 51/52% rarely up to 55%. Even if the humidity drops in the evening, and the plants are not standing in humid air, could this be the cause of a problem like the bud rot? I have had this problem before but it was because I was without a dehumidifier. since the flowers are quite large, I am worried about finding some surprise.. The air that reaches the plants is also too much so I exclude that the solution is to have a good airflow also because I repeat that at the moment is also exaggerated. Thanks guys
Poor airflow causes budrot essentially, you need decent airflow/fresh air and with this, even with high humidity, decent amount of bud can be harvested with good airflow/fresh air.
Poor airflow causes budrot essentially, you need decent airflow/fresh air and with this, even with high humidity, decent amount of bud can be harvested with good airflow/fresh air.
Yes, I read about that... I also read that one should focus on VPD rather than humidity. However, consider that the extractor pulls air out of the room but I don't understand what you mean by "fresh air" you mean air taken right from outside? The only thing I've done is install a fan on the outside of the grow box that points into the bottom window of the box, bringing air into the room, but again, the air is totally exhausted. Then inside I have 3 16w fans (small) and a large tower fan. 2 are aimed directly at the tops the third is at the base of the plants and the tower fan is on the side but central and can reach every top, consider that it is so powerful that some leaves are being burned by the wind but I don't care so much...I prefer that to mold.
So if u have good air flow 50% humidity ain't gonna hurt you. That's just fine. You need to increase air exchange and u might need to control where your air is coming from. You don't expel air into the same space you draw from do you? And using a dehumidifier creats heat. That heat let's more water be held in the air. When the air cools the humidity rises cuz cold air holds less water. Focus on air exchange. 50 % with good exchange and good air movement inside is fine
Shit, my tents exhaust straight into their room air intake comes from the window ac. Humidifier and dehumidifier keep rh in check. Never had any issues with bud rot.
I expel into same room. 5x5 tent in a 20x20 room. Would change that if I had high humidity issues. Don't run anything for humidity in winter. Just ac in summer controls humidity and temp. Never had issues. Not even basement growing in the past
VPD will tell you how much your plants will transpire/preform.

Humidity is a better way to measure the possibility of mold.
Surface water. Top layer evaporating fast. Water in trays. Just the abundance of water to evaporate. And maybe they eat a lil better day one of the feed and transpire more
When I water them the next day I get to 50/52% but when I haven't watered them the day before it gets to 45/48% max. What could be causing such a large fluctuation? Thanks
They reduce transpiration due to the reduced presence of water in the media, also wet media can shed humidity.

Also, that is not too large of a fluctuation.
So if u have good air flow 50% humidity ain't gonna hurt you. That's just fine. You need to increase air exchange and u might need to control where your air is coming from. You don't expel air into the same space you draw from do you? And using a dehumidifier creats heat. That heat let's more water be held in the air. When the air cools the humidity rises cuz cold air holds less water. Focus on air exchange. 50 % with good exchange and good air movement inside is fine
No, the hose at the end of the extractor comes out of the room and into the hallway! The spot where it comes out is sealed because I bought a thing that installs at the door that is supposedly used for portable air conditioners that have the tube that discharges hot air! Unfortunately I can't open windows as it is too cold outside and too much smell would come out. Do you think this is a problem? At least I don't re-enter the air I expel. I don't have that much of a temperature swing anyway! Between day and night there is a maximum of 2/3 degrees Celsius difference and when the lights go out the humidity drops.
When I water them the next day I get to 50/52% but when I haven't watered them the day before it gets to 45/48% max. What could be causing such a large fluctuation? Thanks

that’s fine and completely normal. You’re adding water and it off gasses. %5 difference isn’t a big deal it’s actually within the margin of error for most hygrometers so it’s literally nothing to worry about.
that’s fine and completely normal. You’re adding water and it off gasses. %5 difference isn’t a big deal it’s actually within the margin of error for most hygrometers so it’s literally nothing to worry about.
Ok I'm already relaxing guys... unfortunately I lost almost all of the last cycle but I didn't even have a dehumidifier and the humidity went up to 70%...
that’s fine and completely normal. You’re adding water and it off gasses. %5 difference isn’t a big deal it’s actually within the margin of error for most hygrometers so it’s literally nothing to worry about.
Hi I am having simular problems lol I an at end of grow and can't get it right no matter what I do. It's a 5x5x6 roof tent. I have it in a tin shed in florida, I know I know that's all I could come up with. SO I HAVE 8 INCH ADJUSTABLE INLINE FAN WITH CARBON FILTER HOOKED UP HIGH IN TENT VENTED OUT TENT AND THREW FLOOR, OT A RAISED SHED. SO I HAVE lG portable ac in their vented out bottom vent then out another window. I have dehumidifier 35pints running 24hours because humidity is crazy. I just can't get it right inline fan goes on 60seconds every 5 min. When on humidity goes up even more. As far as fresh air I just crack the zipper on tent. I don't know what else to do leds are not that hot. What do you think? I am almost done and don't want to screw up now.
Hi I am having simular problems lol I an at end of grow and can't get it right no matter what I do. It's a 5x5x6 roof tent. I have it in a tin shed in florida, I know I know that's all I could come up with. SO I HAVE 8 INCH ADJUSTABLE INLINE FAN WITH CARBON FILTER HOOKED UP HIGH IN TENT VENTED OUT TENT AND THREW FLOOR, OT A RAISED SHED. SO I HAVE lG portable ac in their vented out bottom vent then out another window. I have dehumidifier 35pints running 24hours because humidity is crazy. I just can't get it right inline fan goes on 60seconds every 5 min. When on humidity goes up even more. As far as fresh air I just crack the zipper on tent. I don't know what else to do leds are not that hot. What do you think? I am almost done and don't want to screw up now.
Try running the fan continuously, see how much it drops humidity over a few minutes then adjust speed accordingly. In a shed in Florida though you may end up needing a 50 or 70 pint per day dehumidifier.