The list of hydropnics nutrients that DO and DON'T work with HPA


Active Member
High everyone. Have you ever purchased 99.9% water soluble hydro nutrients only to find that they have clogged your HPA misters? Have you ever not purchased a nutrient because of that fear? Lets fix that problem right now. In a brief post please share your knowledge of nutrients or additives that Do and Don't work with HPA and any observations worth noting. I'll go first.


Active Member
Do: Any salt nutrient, GH grow, micro or flora, amino acid powder, Botinacare's Aquashield (discontinued, amazing product), H202

Dont: 99.9% water soluble humic acid (works in hydro), House and Garden Root Accelerator (extremely expensive and great product, but isn't made for hydro let alone aero)

Observations: H&G and other organic water soluble nutes tend to foam on top of the res, even more so when airstones are used.

Question: does anyone know if hygrozyme works with HPA?