The long tenacles of the law!


So my girlfriend got home from her class a few hours ago and the first thing she said is "Did you know that there are a bunch of pigs outside?". I got up off the couch and sure enough there were three pig cars and a patty wagon outside,that's six pigs. They had stopped a car for I don't know what. Now before I go into the situation any more I need to say that I have a 12 week old U.K. Cheese plant in the basement that is only a week or so away from harvest. So I'm peering out the window and a K-9 car rolls by, I'm thinking that one of the pigs have somehow smelled my girl through my filtration device. My stomach sinks and I start to mentally prepare myself for the "I need to see a warrant officer and I don't consent to warrantless searches. But they just walk the dog around the car. No dogs pulling pigs to my doorstep, no nothing. The pigglies search the guy and his car and find nothing. Little do they know about the Cheese thats right under their noses. HAHAHAHA. So I guess the moral of the story is if your going to grow some stink you should really really invest in some sort of air filtration device. I have a phat filter with a six inch inline fan that moves in the neighborhood of 600 Cubic feet a minute. So close pigs but you had no idea!!!


Well-Known Member
my suggestion if you have a second floor USE THAT easier for it to rise up and away never a attic though


Well-Known Member
And bro im loving your location trolls was a funny ass movie ever see the rifftrax of it