The Meditation Thread

Do you practice mediation?

  • Yes, regularly.

  • Yes, but I would like to do so more frequently.

  • Yes, sometimes.

  • No, but I would like to start.

  • No, and I have no interest in meditation.

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Well-Known Member
I'm curious to hear about everyone's personal experience with meditation, as well as any knowledge or opinions you guys may have about it.

Personally, I'm not the most experienced with meditation, but I have given it a shot (mostly 10-15 minute sessions with either calming instrumental music, or no music at all), and I definitely feel like it is beneficial for my mental health.

I tend to meditate when sober (it's great, right before vaping, as it puts you into a very calm and introspective state of mind), and have read that it is best to meditate this way, but I am interested in Cannabis assisted meditation as well. Perhaps, the goals/effects are different?

I am trying to make it a habit to meditate for at least 10 minutes, every day.

If I am not meditating in complete silence, I like to put on some zen background music, to help keep my mind from wandering as much as it tends to do. One of my favorite meditation songs is "Kindred Spirits" by Deuter (there are a lot of gems in the album).
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I've been meditating for at least 20 minutes a day for the last seven and a half years. A lot of people tend to get discouraged and give up on the practice because they're under the impression that the key to meditation is to not think. What I've found is that the key is to allow the thoughts to happen as they will. Witness them and then go back to watching the thoughts again. A good phrase for going back to 'not thinking' is.. "I wonder what I'm going to think next." ..I've always found it interesting that only thing that seperates the words Meditation, Medication and Mediation is one letter. I had been presecribed everything under the sun for chronic depression and anxiety and nothing has worked for me better than meditation, which, as it turns out, is my main medication which leads to my ability to have some form of inner mediation. I've found that the benefits of practicing meditation aren't necessarily there once I'm done meditating. The benefits actually appear more when I'm going about my day to day business to the point where the majority of my days are now spent in meditation even though I'm not intentionally setting out to meditate. I just find myself doing things meditatively. There's a reason that meditation is referred to as a practice and it takes plenty of practice but the results are well worth it. As the saying goes.. "Know meditation, know peace. No meditation, no peace."
Mediation and meditation are completely different things.
I even fixed this same typo, in the title.
I've been meditating for at least 20 minutes a day for the last seven and a half years. A lot of people tend to get discouraged and give up on the practice because they're under the impression that the key to meditation is to not think. What I've found is that the key is to allow the thoughts to happen as they will. Witness them and then go back to watching the thoughts again. A good phrase for going back to 'not thinking' is.. "I wonder what I'm going to think next." ..I've always found it interesting that only thing that seperates the words Meditation, Medication and Mediation is one letter. I had been presecribed everything under the sun for chronic depression and anxiety and nothing has worked for me better than meditation, which, as it turns out, is my main medication which leads to my ability to have some form of inner mediation. I've found that the benefits of practicing meditation aren't necessarily there once I'm done meditating. The benefits actually appear more when I'm going about my day to day business to the point where the majority of my days are now spent in meditation even though I'm not intentionally setting out to meditate. I just find myself doing things meditatively. There's a reason that meditation is referred to as a practice and it takes plenty of practice but the results are well worth it. As the saying goes.. "Know meditation, know peace. No meditation, no peace."
That's great. I'm happy to hear that meditation has been helpful for you.

Do you meditate for 20 minutes, straight, or do you break it up? DO you do it sober, or on Cannabis?

Also, you've got a lot of good content in your post. It would help a lot, if you could put some spaces, next time, though! Lol! Blocks of text are a bit straining on the eyes, on computer screens.
I try to masturbate for at least 10 minutes per day. It has all the benefits that you're touting, it's just a little more to clean up...
Might wanna give your little feller a break, before you wear it to a nub.
Does spacing out count.
Is that a form of meditation, or is it the complete opposite?
I even fixed this same typo, in the title.

That's great. I'm happy to hear that meditation has been helpful for you.

Do you meditate for 20 minutes, straight, or do you break it up? DO you do it sober, or on Cannabis?

Also, you've got a lot of good content in your post. It would help a lot, if you could put some spaces, next time, though! Lol! Blocks of text are a bit straining on the eyes, on computer screens.

Might wanna give your little feller a break, before you wear it to a nub.

Is that a form of meditation, or is it the complete opposite?

Thanks for the kind words and sorry about the lack of spaces. I didn't think about that when I was typing but I see what you mean. Oops!

When I set out to meditate intentionally, I do it for 20 minutes straight and I don't force myself into the lotus position and no thumbs to forefingers. Most often it's done laying on my back or my side while unstoned. Sometimes I listen to audio and sometimes I don't.
I even fixed this same typo, in the title.

That's great. I'm happy to hear that meditation has been helpful for you.

Do you meditate for 20 minutes, straight, or do you break it up? DO you do it sober, or on Cannabis?

Also, you've got a lot of good content in your post. It would help a lot, if you could put some spaces, next time, though! Lol! Blocks of text are a bit straining on the eyes, on computer screens.

Might wanna give your little feller a break, before you wear it to a nub.

Is that a form of meditation, or is it the complete opposite?
You did not fix it in the poll. And the answer “my people will be talking to your people” isn’t available. At least not ... immediately.
I've been practicing for 30 years, most of it regularly and when I was younger I trained quite intensively (secular Buddhism), today I teach an evidence based practice, that is until covid-19. Here is an example of a free online evidence based mindfulness meditation course that I encourage novices to take. This particular secular practice is backed by a lot of science and is used as a standard model for research.

Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Do not master sit if you want to elevate mentally
It's an exercise and works like physical exercise, takes a few weeks to get into shape. Allows you to control your mind by controlling your emotions by becoming aware of your "feelings" and you do that by connecting with your body. Your emotions set the agenda and thoughts and emotions are wound together like the strands of a rope, we rationalise our feelings.
Do not master sit if you want to elevate mentally
Here have a gander, science stuff. lots of shrinks and psychologists do it, promotes good mental health and makes ya happy.
I teach an evidence based practice, works wonders for depression too, google MBCT or youtube it.
Above MBSR course is basic training

I think I'll intersperse some things I learned (free) from my masters and they were many, including my friends. Teaching stories can be important in learning a practice or how to live in general.

Long long ago in a place far far away a young student was bitching to his gentle master about having trouble concentrating on his breath. The old man smiled gently with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and told the student to come with down with him to the river and look at his own reflection in the water (pre-mirror days). As the student gazed lovingly at his own reflection, the gentle master grabbed the arrogant sonofabitch by the scruff of the neck and plunged his head into the water and held him there until he fuck'n near stopped thrashing. When he pulled the young man out panicked and sputtering he looked him in the eye and said, "was your breath important to you then"! Jus so ya know where I'm coming from, we ain't always nice, we act in your interest and not in our own, cause if we didn't, we wouldn't be worth a damn, to ourselves, or anybody else. And no, I didn't misspell wisdom, I just don't want to get too full of myself, cause this is a wisdom practice. ;)
I'm curious to hear about everyone's personal experience with meditation, as well as any knowledge or opinions you guys may have about it.

Personally, I'm not the most experienced with meditation, but I have given it a shot (mostly 10-15 minute sessions with either calming instrumental music, or no music at all), and I definitely feel like it is beneficial for my mental health.

I tend to meditate when sober (it's great, right before vaping, as it puts you into a very calm and introspective state of mind), and have read that it is best to meditate this way, but I am interested in Cannabis assisted meditation as well. Perhaps, the goals/effects are different?

I am trying to make it a habit to meditate for at least 10 minutes, every day.

If I am not meditating in complete silence, I like to put on some zen background music, to help keep my mind from wandering as much as it tends to do. One of my favorite meditation songs is "Kindred Spirits" by Deuter (there are a lot of gems in the album).

Most of my meditation time is spent while on a hike. Usually sitting by a river in the early morning soaking up the sounds.
A nice little 6 minute video that explains a lot very quickly and simply. Meditation makes you more mindful, allowing you to see your thoughts, first while meditating and then in the rest of your life. When you can see your thoughts, you can intervene to change them and thus your mental habits. A little moral guidance to help with peace of mind, as your level of empathy grows is very helpful. Add bit of cognitive coaching to deal with your new mental skills and you've got a mindfulness meditation practice.
Starting and keeping a practice up regularly, are the two biggest challenges, but there is lot's of help available to do this too. Meditation must be done regularly like any other exercise to be of real benefit.

You can puff and practice too, but don't wake and bake, then sit! Meditation lowers the volume and stops default or self referential processing. That's the Devil that torments you, also meditation MBCT is the best know treatment for most depression and works with people who have been hospitalized with it several times. It makes those not depressed happier, pot gives you pleasure, it does not make you happier, not even winning the lottery will do that.

The Science Behind Mindfulness Meditation
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