ThE MoosE OuTdoOr GroW oF 2010


This will be my first grow, ive tagged along while some of my buddies grow, and i've talked to alot of good people here. So heres everything has it stands.
I'll be growing 5 random seeds, my source sells some pretty good grass and i'm guessing these are seeds from his grass.Not sure what strain it is exactly.
I'll be growing in Miracle Grow - Organic Control, i know MG is not the best stuff out there, but im working with little to no $$. And two bags of this we're sittin in my basement.
My outdoor spot is a decent sized clearing that gets sunlight from about 2 hours after sunrise, till about 4 hours before sunset. Right now that would be about 8am till 5 Pm.
I germinated the seeds on Thursday April 28th, all 5 germinated this morning ( Sat. May 1st ) and are sitting over at the Grow Site. Its about 75 degrees, and should be like this all week. I watered them when i dropped them off. Im watering them with a little less water then the cups their in. I'll go check tommorow if they need more water.


Ok, so ive run into a Foxhole. I dont have enough MG soil to really grow anything worthwhile. My buddy gave me a ring the other day and said hes got 2 bags of EarthGro he'll sneak out for me. so at 1st I shit a brick, cus i could grab some nice big containers and grow monsters, then move em them into the shade for flowering. But now im hearing EarthGro is some real funky shit and it aint good for MJ, has any1 ever used EarthGro with good results? i rlly don wana grow in the ground