The NYC Diesel...outdo stylee


Active Member
Ive just started the first of my NYC Diesel babies and they are a little over one week old... the grow is in a controlled outdo enviorment... hopefully with the sun...some TLC...good food...and oh yeah the crucial sun 8) ...they will be the shit-o-bang-bang-snip-snap-snappy.

Ill keep yall informed...

week 1



Active Member
:hump: It will be week two on sunday... just gave the little girlies molasses for the first time and they seemed to like it... so ima keep givin it to em. The green is Grrrrrraaavvvvvy. Grow strong gurls grow strong...

On the down side I lost my grandfather this week...Gramps, i miss u and love you!

so ima end this with something i got from the Bahavagita...

"The wise man doesn't lament in the face of sorrow, because he knows that the soul in the body is everlasting"

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