The oldest complete new grower ever

Just wanted to say i started my first grow last year thinking it would be like growing veggies which ive done over 30 yearish i made every mistake possible..i ordered seed twice like 40 seeds total and only had two plants live and got a lil over a ounce outdoors ..finally lowered my pride and ( gulp) i turned to to the web for help ..been lurking in the shadows for a coupla months and started a new closet grow using this forum advice ...thanks to every one of you for your sharing your wisdom and exp.with us new guys ..just saying hello sorry so long
Welcome, sorry i didnt do that first
Im no expert indoors or outdoors, but when i grow outside, i usually start them inside 3 to 4 weeks before i want to put them outside. And then just watch them grow. It was well into the 90s for 2 weeks this summer where im at, no issues until the rain started and then never stopped
In the 90' s for only two weeks ?? Im not knocking you or your reply and i really appreciate your help but only two weeks i could handle mississippi its over 95 from middle of april to september with at least 85 percent humidity ..even grass wilts and curls during summer months ..95 here the heat index would be over 110 degrees night the temps are upper 80's ..i know to start indoors and slowly set them out a avid gardener with around 35 years of growing vegatables ..but cannabis growing im new at even a new guy at consuming it i didnt start until my early forties im 48 now ..
In the 90' s for only two weeks ?? Im not knocking you or your reply and i really appreciate your help but only two weeks i could handle mississippi its over 95 from middle of april to september with at least 85 percent humidity ..even grass wilts and curls during summer months ..95 here the heat index would be over 110 degrees night the temps are upper 80's ..i know to start indoors and slowly set them out a avid gardener with around 35 years of growing vegatables ..but cannabis growing im new at even a new guy at consuming it i didnt start until my early forties im 48 now ..
Some really great weed has been grown on the equator
Strain matters
In the 90' s for only two weeks ?? Im not knocking you or your reply and i really appreciate your help but only two weeks i could handle mississippi its over 95 from middle of april to september with at least 85 percent humidity ..even grass wilts and curls during summer months ..95 here the heat index would be over 110 degrees night the temps are upper 80's ..i know to start indoors and slowly set them out a avid gardener with around 35 years of growing vegatables ..but cannabis growing im new at even a new guy at consuming it i didnt start until my early forties im 48 now ..
You may have some problems with mold with the humidity so be aware of that. Good luck with the grow!
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In the 90' s for only two weeks ?? Im not knocking you or your reply and i really appreciate your help but only two weeks i could handle mississippi its over 95 from middle of april to september with at least 85 percent humidity ..even grass wilts and curls during summer months ..95 here the heat index would be over 110 degrees night the temps are upper 80's ..i know to start indoors and slowly set them out a avid gardener with around 35 years of growing vegatables ..but cannabis growing im new at even a new guy at consuming it i didnt start until my early forties im 48 now ..

Im in the north east so totally different deal.
It gets hot but not that hot
Just wanted to say i started my first grow last year thinking it would be like growing veggies which ive done over 30 yearish i made every mistake possible..i ordered seed twice like 40 seeds total and only had two plants live and got a lil over a ounce outdoors ..finally lowered my pride and ( gulp) i turned to to the web for help ..been lurking in the shadows for a coupla months and started a new closet grow using this forum advice ...thanks to every one of you for your sharing your wisdom and exp.with us new guys ..just saying hello sorry so long

Welcome. Humidity and temperature play a big role in the seedling stage. Little more forgiving in the other stages. Dampening off also happens alot. Once the seed has sprouted a bit i like to add a root booster. There are commercial products. I prefer a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxie(3% like the kind for rinsing your mouth) mixed with 1 cup water. Substitue this for your watering in the earlier stages. Will kill off bacteria, fight off insects, aerate the soil for stronger root growth. The hydrogen peroxide can also be used to stop and cure root rot. Can be the difference you need to fight dampening off.

Not sure this advice helps. Feel free to message.
Been growing about ten years. Been gardening about 15.