So. The tired plant on the right is an auto white widow that popped out on october 16. The big lady is an auto blue mystic that s a week and a half younger. And the one in the back is the youngest. (1 nov, also ignore its one burnt leaf, i accidentally spilled some hydrogen peroxide on it and couldnt dry it properly, afraid of ripping it).
Anyway, the 2nd picture is 3 days old but i uploaded it anyway cause the difference is clearer. The widow is not growing in height, it s growing sideways, kind of, its really small, its leaves are small, it feels like it s a cluster of small leaves just growing sideways very slowly. Its my first time grow so ive got no clue what could be wrong. Googling just gives the same symptoms for all problems almost. The poor thing just looks like it s struggling and ive no clue on what to do. I did overwater them twice during the first 2 weeks but they both had the same amount of water. Im a newbie but im supposing it s not normal for the older one to look like that compared to its younger sibling. Light is 20/4 led. Humidity 50% ish sometimes 65 after watering. Routinely check for mold and pests, only thing present is some algae from time to time, but they die off quickly when it dries off between watering. I use 1 ml/l biogrow, just started 1 ml buibloom and soil is biobizz light top layer and allmix bottom layer. Id like your input on what could be wrong with it and what i can do to remedy the problem. Ordered a ph meter to check ph and make sure it s fine. (Bit late, my bad). But since i used the same soil and water shouldnt they both react the same? Any help is much appreciated. Honestly the widow looked bad ever since it was little, but i didnt realize iit back then. The last picture is when it was 3 weeks old. I only realized it was sick all along when i compared it to how the other 2 looked at that age. Or how the little one looks now. Oh well, all i can do now is figure out what went wrong and learn from mistakes. Also, when watering i use 2 liters till waters starts coming out of the bottom holes, then wait for it to dry off. Is that the right way? Cheers everyone!
Anyway, the 2nd picture is 3 days old but i uploaded it anyway cause the difference is clearer. The widow is not growing in height, it s growing sideways, kind of, its really small, its leaves are small, it feels like it s a cluster of small leaves just growing sideways very slowly. Its my first time grow so ive got no clue what could be wrong. Googling just gives the same symptoms for all problems almost. The poor thing just looks like it s struggling and ive no clue on what to do. I did overwater them twice during the first 2 weeks but they both had the same amount of water. Im a newbie but im supposing it s not normal for the older one to look like that compared to its younger sibling. Light is 20/4 led. Humidity 50% ish sometimes 65 after watering. Routinely check for mold and pests, only thing present is some algae from time to time, but they die off quickly when it dries off between watering. I use 1 ml/l biogrow, just started 1 ml buibloom and soil is biobizz light top layer and allmix bottom layer. Id like your input on what could be wrong with it and what i can do to remedy the problem. Ordered a ph meter to check ph and make sure it s fine. (Bit late, my bad). But since i used the same soil and water shouldnt they both react the same? Any help is much appreciated. Honestly the widow looked bad ever since it was little, but i didnt realize iit back then. The last picture is when it was 3 weeks old. I only realized it was sick all along when i compared it to how the other 2 looked at that age. Or how the little one looks now. Oh well, all i can do now is figure out what went wrong and learn from mistakes. Also, when watering i use 2 liters till waters starts coming out of the bottom holes, then wait for it to dry off. Is that the right way? Cheers everyone!