the. pot seed bb gun. flower powered

I was wandering if there Wer a group of individuals whom could develope a pot seed bb gun for novilty purpose could this be installable into the Wall of a camper with a radiocontrolled relay in er plant seeds at Roda side location at the push of a button this would be awesome to be able to plant or launch a seed at the push of a button

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Haha. I want to start sending rockets loaded with seeds to aall these earth like planets we are finding. That way the place is over grown by time we get there. :weed:
RCould someone create such an item an make a you tube video on how to do so if One million sedes Wer planted every day in a shorter spam of time wouldnt this burn up the wheels of the current system thus legalizing weed faster an would improve the sceanery Along the byways an highways


Active Member
Haha. I want to start sending rockets loaded with seeds to aall these earth like planets we are finding. That way the place is over grown by time we get there. :weed:
If i had lots of time and money, i would produce tons of seeds of different varieties and rent a heli and fly over the woods and make the seeds rain over everywhere.
If i had lots of time and money, i would produce tons of seeds of different varieties and rent a heli and fly over the woods and make the seeds rain over everywhere.
Ya could create a radio controlled helicóptero. With a seed launch. An instead of throwin sedes into the trash can for pick up throw en in a creek. Develope a tshirt line wcartoon depictions or tata h Carrión to video or cartoons to music video