The *right* Carbon Scrubber


Well-Known Member
Can nobody tell me if I need a 6-inch inline carbon scrubber, a 7-inch? a 7lb? a 8lb? Would it even fit? Do I need to post a bud shot to entice ya?


Well-Known Member
Urm. I hate to burst ya bubble. But that green thing? Thats not cannabis :D

Jokes aside. Un-tape the vent. Buy some activated carbon sheets, put them over that, exhaust through it. Simple.

Edit : If ya worried about smell getting out when you open the door n shit, buy some air freshener, plug it in, or spray it, simple :D


Well-Known Member
I made a 6" can filter that holds 9lbs of carbon. I am only 3 weeks into flower but so far it is working for me. I used a diy thread I found on here somewhere. Btw my setup is 4'x3'x5'


Well-Known Member
This is my veg. room. It smells worse than my flowering room. Everytime I open the door, smells like fresh lemon basil.


Active Member
ok um growing in my closet and i need help be cuz um new at this i need to know is it good to get a shelf carbon scrubber because i dont want it to stank and um doing it in this room where there is nothing iin it i need to vent rom closet to the window or the exhaust of the ac i can do that right ? well can some one help me give me some lead way please!


Active Member
:hump: including carbon filter....a wasable filter,hepa filter...has odor sensor,dust sensor, fan,plasma, its worth every penny 300.00



Active Member
I bought a nice carbon filter, it cant hold a CANDLE to the IONIZER. Only about $150 on ebay now, just make sure you dont run the ionizer in same room as plants, as they may suck the essence of life outta your plants, but put in another room and be amazed.