The rowdy bunch of girls - getting ready to flip to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Ready to flip these girls to 12/12.

White Widow, White Russian, Chernobyl, 3rd Dimension, Girl Scout Cookie. Clones had them vegging 31 days CFL lighting

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Northen White Ape - next up - clones been vegging for 2 weeks so far.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if I should move them to bigger pots before I flip them. Maybe move them to #3 or #5.


Well-Known Member
they look like thier in 3g now if you have the room and soil for 5g do it 3g is good too but in 5 g you will have some monsters


Well-Known Member
Cool - Guuess I will move to the #5 I just picked some up. I don't look forward to repotting them again but I will go for it. I think will try taking a few clones before i flip them. I read that I should maybe give them a week after transplanting before flipping. Does that sound right?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking that Chernobyl for the last week..and oh my God I've gotta get my hands on some of those seeds. One of the most intense highs ever...puts me in a coma lol.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to try some. This is my first grow. It will be cool to sample my work.


Well-Known Member
Cool - Guuess I will move to the #5 I just picked some up. I don't look forward to repotting them again but I will go for it. I think will try taking a few clones before i flip them. I read that I should maybe give them a week after transplanting before flipping. Does that sound right?
you can. give them some time to build a root system in their new pots if you have super thrive or some cloning solution it will speed up the process


Well-Known Member
Yes I have superthrive and I have clonex for the cloning. Think I will give cloning a go.


Well-Known Member
np man post some pics when they get a few weeks in let us kno how they're doing good luck and stay high:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm still waiting to flip the girls. I think I going to let them veg a little longer. I have them in #2 size pots. I was going to move them up, the pots are costly so I'm thinking of using 5 gallon Home Depot Buckets. I'm going drill drain holes in the bottom. Take a look at the picture for comparisons. I have 15 girls of various strains. WHat do you think about using these buckets. Looking for the good and bad if any in my decision to move to these buckets. Thanks in advance! Peace!!!



Well-Known Member
what I wouldn't give to have room for 15 5 gallon plants :)

The HD buckets are great with holes, but you can also get the fabric pots for dirt cheap (they are $3 each at the local hydro spot) No drilling required and super easy to work with I think.


Well-Known Member

I picked up the buckets and they were $2.78 each. Drilling drain holes. Haven't tried fabric pots before. Are they reusable?


Active Member
Yes to re use on the fabroc pots, plus they help with the roots , getting less rooot bound, but in your case with them going into 5 gal , should not be an issue,
I will say that your ladies look good and if you do put them into 5 gal pots you have very very large plants


Well-Known Member
Thanks lyk..420, I got them transplanted into the 5 gal buckets. They seem to be doing fine and putting out new leaves. Think I will give another week or two and them flip them.


Well-Known Member
They are inside plants, I just took they outside to repot them and let them get some sunshine. But since then I noticed the roots coming out of bottom of the pots. Then decided to step up to the final pots, the 5 ga buckets. I gradually step up the pot sizes to get a good mix between roots and foliage.


Well-Known Member
Started them out using CFLs in a grow box I built, but they out grew the boxes, so now I have created a area in my garage and I brought 2 T5 4 tubes ho fixtures .