the seeds


I've got x2 small dishes on one dish i've put 2 layers of toliet role and wet it and put my amnesia haze on it and put the other plate on top this is what a friend told me to do to crack the seed open is this the correct way ?


It is the most common way yes. You create a dark warm wet environment using the plates and paper towels which simulate the conditions required for germination.


Well-Known Member
I've got x2 small dishes on one dish i've put 2 layers of toliet role and wet it and put my amnesia haze on it and put the other plate on top this is what a friend told me to do to crack the seed open is this the correct way ?
The seed should be between the layers. If I'm reading correctly, it sounds like you have the seed laying on top of the tissue. If I'm wrong about this, ignore it and carry on. Everything else sounds about right.


Staff member
i generally put my two plates into my cupboard to avoid any light source at all


Active Member
Many people do germ in paper towels, it's easier/ harder to mess up if you just sow your seeds right into soil or a seed starting medium, that way you don't have much of a chance to mess the roots up, and if you put it in a humidity dome or cover with a Baggie/plastic wrap etc then you won't need to water till after it sprouts.