The Smokey One - Amateur Indoor Growing


New member here and I wanted to start my first journal on RIU. I currently have several things splitting my attention now adays and I'll post them all here. To start this is my amateur grow for personal use.

To start I have some cuttings that are a week old showing roots. Also I'll be working off two large Cloud 9 moms for a few runs. Soon I should have access to several more strains (possibly Ortega Gold, Blue Dream and Snowcap).

2x 600w in bud
1x 600w MH veg
FFOF + Calmag



To spice up this post I have some Cloud 9 budding currently 7weeks in bud. These pictures are at the start of 5weeks in bud


I'll get some updated pics of the bud this evening when the light comes on. Heres to the start of journaling my next couple runs. Good vibes for everyone! Stay Smokey

Corripe Cervisiam

EDIT: I guess this needs moved to "Grow Journals" my bad. Thought I saw journals on this board and didn't look any further to see the Journals board. Can I plead the 7th? (high on marijuana)


Well-Known Member
No you can't plead that. Smoking marijuana isn't encouraged here :screwy:

all information in this post is purely fictional and must be taken as such.
I'm doing horrible on updates I know but this should kinda make up for it. I have a decent amount of photos this time around and a second project to discuss. I guess I am going for quality over quantity

A quick update on my first project, the clones are now in cups and vegging steadily while the "hold-me-over" bud is finishing. They will be flushed shortly and harvested ASAP as they are a medical grow for a sick friend.

Quick pic of a cola in the about finished run Cloud 9 Dinafem Seeds

Now a discussion on my second project. Like I said before I have multiple projects going on. This project is a little more ambitious and technically has been underway for about a few months. This one is personal while the first one I posted about was a legal medical grow for a friend with kidney failure and cancer.

I know there is some clutter and mess, but we are currently constructing more walls and rooms so it will be cleaned up

**To keep it straight I'm labeling this second project "Second project" and the first one I posted about "First grow"

Heres a quick intro to my second project and the grand tour.

Main Room:
2x 1000w
Light mover w/ Robo-rail
6ft Carbon Filter
Standing A/C
RO + reservoir
CO2 Generator
CO2 Controller
Ballast Controller
CYCO Nutes (full line)
PPM/EC/PH autostation

New Room:
1x 1000w
Light mover
NFT system
CYCO nutes

Lemon Haze
2x 4ft Hydrofarm T5 panels
4x 2ft Hydrofarm T5 panels
Adding homemade EZ cloner

*All pots are various "bag pots" - I like them

I built a closet in front of the rooms to use for faux-storage

Then I built a false wall inside the closet

False wall open

Right inside is a new room I'm building. Will be a experimental bud room (gonna try out some news systems namely NFT and aero)

These are the ballast outside the main room in a controller

Main room door open, looking in

Left side, 3weeks in

Right side 4weeks in, on the right of pic is CO2 generator and right of that is door to veg

CO2 generator, right is door to veg

CO2 controller

Veg looking in

Kinda empty ATM heh

Quick snap of a bud in flower, 4weeks

So thats the tour of my new project. Its awesome keeping a log just for myself as I have a place I can go back and look on it even after its done. Updates coming on my First grow I'm hoping to get new strains (Ortega, Blue Dream, Snowcap, maybe Widowberry). Also harvesting this batch of Cloud 9 shortly.

With my Second grow I'm going to experiment with NFT in the newly built room. Also getting industrial A/C, Enviro controller, automated reservoir drain/cleaning system, etc. Stay Smokey!
Thanks. My s/n IS Smokey One lol :lol: My old man is 72 and been smoking since the 60s between us two we go through enough that I don't ever wanna pay hah

Can anyone tell me are the photos in my first post not showing or is it just me? They are on RIU and worked to start figured its just my browser