"The Stinky Earl" A Perpetual Vertical System in the Works.


Well-Known Member
Gotta give respect where it's due when designing aero systems and these two guys had shit figured out. Stink bud had a good perpetual setup going with simple cheap design, gotta love that! Earl, another hydro guru loved to design systems that work for him instead of the other way around. So using inspiration from stink buds systems, and an earl-esque spray manifold and delivery method, I figured it only appropriate to find a cute name to give the system. Hence The Stinky Earl was born. Gotta also say thanks for all his hard work to Heath, if it weren't for his spectacular vertical hydro designs I would have never fell in love with the idea.

My plan is to have 4 of these units in a square pattern around the 2x 600w bulbs in a vertical fashion. This should allow me to have a smaller harvest every 2 or 3 weeks depending on finishing time of the strain. I haven't run this system to completion yet, but feel confident that things should go rather smoothly. An individual system cost me about 150 for everything, which I don't feel was too steep given the amount of parts I had to purchase to put it all together and given the cost of some vertical systems I have seen. It's also pretty versatile with the types of clones I can use being able to utilize 2" collars, 2" net pots, as well as 3" net pots. Checking the PH/PPM is as simple as unplugging one of the 6mm grommets and spraying some nutes into a cup.

Some future upgrades for the next versions to come:

- Cooler for reservoir (cooler waters plus convenient drain spout)
- Better access to reservoir via installed door of some kind
- Optional valves for turning manifold into drain pump as well for flushing/new nutes
- 3" to 2" pvc adapters installed into reservoir lid to act as "support" for aero beams

Ideas and suggestions welcomed :)

The first strain up is Pineapple Express, which will be followed up by Blueberry x Bubblegum and Chisel, followed up by Blue Dreams and Hindu Kusch for the first few rounds.

Enough talk here's pictures of what has begun so far

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Well-Known Member
Pineapple express clones were transplanted and are going directly into flower under a 600w hortilux hps, and a 600w sunagro? convertible MH. They're living in an ambient temp of 74* and reservoir temp of 68-72* water. Being fed ph 5.8 700ppm of Dyna-gro bloom, protect, and cal mag. Never used dyna-gro so if any of you dyna-pros out there wanna give some advice it'd be much appreciated. So far everything has been a breeze, nutes keep everything super stable and besides a small bit of lollipop ping, super cropping, and topping things are pretty
much set for the next 7 weeks of bloom for these girls.

I had accidentally left the pump unplugged for about 12 hours one day when I was making some adjustments and this caused some browning to the roots. The new roots are all whiter than the PVC they're sitting in.

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Well-Known Member
very nice work there dispo; A suggestion you already might of considered is to maybe but a reflector on the tubes; I see a lot of lost light that could be more focused on your babies.


Well-Known Member
I had thought about that but going to hold off until everything is exactly as I want it. Gonna
try a few slight differences on the next module to go next weekend. Still taking things apart
at times to check out how things are going inside the tubes. Once everything is where I want
it that's definitely on my list of things to do. Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
Upgraded the system to what I'm going to call revision 2. The updates include:

- 3" holes on reservoir lid for 3" to 2" pvc adapters at the base of aero arms, this helps with support of arms from below.
- Installed a 1/2" reservoir level check using transparent hosing, will also allow for easy drainage and quick level checks.

Getting ready for week two tomorrow, clones don't seem quite ready so going to give them a bit more time. Should have
third round of clones within the week as well which will be Blue Dreams and a Kush.

Here's some pics from working on the new reservoir and the girls status

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Active Member
Nice, you gott use 360 degrees of that light ASAP or else you are just wasting all that precious light. Other than that SWEET.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, setting up to be perpetual with 4 systems in a square around the light to hopefully have a harvest
every 2 weeks or so. Not going for uber efficiency due to plant count limits, but wanted to get some
vertical perpetual hydro going and this was the best option I could come up for that. It'll be full in no
time as I'm working on the second system this weekend.


Active Member
I would, like everyone, fill it all around. I would suggest ScrOG or maybe build 2 to put two more units on the other sides and fill with clones then get a harvest every 2 weeks? But looking good bud.


Well-Known Member
Bob - I really like your design and had seen it on a few of the threads floating around along with some of your videos.
I don't really have any notes as of yet, just some experience helping my buddy work on his Colosseum for a while,
but that system was a whole other beast entirely.

So far I've just been vegging them in a smaller aero system for 2 weeks and then transplanting them into vertical system
from there and it seems to be working good so far. My main reason for going vert was simplicity and efficiency, my last
grow ended up using too much lighting which meant the ac worked harder, temps weren't ideal and things just got a bit out
of control. With the setup I'm working on now I should be able to keep control of all the elements as well as cut way back
on electrical usage.

Mike - Yeah, my vertical is going to be comprised of 4 separate systems in total, every two/three weeks I'll be adding another
to build up to my full perpetual speeds of harvesting a system of 8 plants every 2 weeks. Aiming for something like 8 oz every
two week to keep up with patient demand, with a veg time of 2 weeks on each plant. I was planning on holding off on thread
until everything was up and running bug figured the input in the meantime could be helpful, I also considered building all 4
initially and setting up with clones but then I'd be back to a non-perpetual setup which is not what I was going for. It's all just a
matter of patience.

Working on a veg/clone/mom room tonight so that I can take full control of my cycles and try out some of the crazy strains I've
been getting from the dispensary like these Critical Jack x Sour P beans.

Thanks for input guys!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Anything you want to mention/discuss about the Coliseum, please feel free............still contemplating grabbing one at some point.


Well-Known Member
HUGE pain in the ass, definitely can't recommend it. But the buds it grew were really phenomenal, but what
can you expect from Mothers Finest :) Getting 6lbs off 2kw lighting was pretty badass to boot.

I'm about 6'3" and 230lbs, working in the coli after a few weeks became impossible and we had to start sending
in smaller less grow-educated people as neither of us could fit inside to work on things. He was running it as a giant
hempy bucket type setup, and filling that thing with perlite was not cheap or easy, and he had to do it every time he
ran it.

Storage and breaking it down are fucked as well, it only breaks down into something like 6 giant plastic pieces which
don't exactly fit well in a closet. I like being able to completely break my system down and store every piece in the
reservoir, makes storage and movement super easy. The initial cost of the system was ridiculous as well, this was about 7
years ago or so during the OG era, I think when purchasing the unit, perlite, nutes, and everything he needed he spent in upwards
of like 6/7k?

In the end it was retired, spent it's life in a storage unit, and he could very well still be paying on that unit to this day since he can't
find any other means of storing it safely. He was averaging something like 5.5lb a grow which was super impressive but growing
something like 200 plants per round with 2k2w lighting, the system paid itself off in time, just him, myself and everyone who worked
on it hated the things :) He also couldn't fill the system all the way up because the plants in the top rows would grow higher than he
had lights and available ceiling space, I think he grew something like 200 of the 300 possible.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Lol...........I'm 6'3 and about 260, so I guess that's outta the question :)

Vertical trees it is........thanks for the info bro, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no problem :)

The pineapple express are on day 16 *i think* and doing just great things are simple and going

I have the next round setup vegging under t5, as well as some clones I just cut for the third round.
Round two will have 2x Alaskan Thunderfuck, 2x Chiesel, 4x Blueberry x Bubblegum
Round three will have 4x DieselBerry and 4x Bubblegum

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