The stoned only thread

Hey forum.

This thread is intended only for people who are currently high. Please respect this rule.
There is one exception to this rule though: If you're not high, you can feel free to participate in this thread just as long as you don't break the peace! (keep the peace!!!!!!!!)
That means: Don't mock people, Don't put others down with insults and childish behaviour, don't be negative or anything like that.

(For those of us who argue about stuff in OTHER threads, Don't worry about it in here. When you're in here, just forget about it. - Positive topics!)

I remember thinking to my self one time (A long time ago) If only we could put everybody into one big room and get them all high together! they would all get along!
that was my vision, and that is my goal of this thread.

Talk about anything you want. Politically orientated I guess? w/e.

Sticky please :weed:
WOOHOO I got a star... Shiiit, I remember back in the day when my school teacher gave me a sticky star =) t'was a good day. Thanks unclebuck.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure people come in this forum specifically intending to mock people, to put others down, to engage in childish behavior, and to generally be negative...and everything like that.

Politics is about narrative and passion, not about reality. That's the source of the devolution.
About narrative you say? that's kind of interesting, I won't say why, but I will keep that in mind for the meanwhile =)

Not about reality? whaat? no way man! what do you mean? why do you say that?

.... so you're saying its the source of devolution. Are you also saying that politics is about staying in power, while delegating the governments workload to pawns that collect revenue in order for you to reap the bigger share of the rewards?

... btw people who specifically come here to do that ^ indeed do do so, but not only here! *Cough* *Cough* youtube / whole internet. And not even just the internet. ... Such are the times.


Well-Known Member
Welll, when you don't know the game, you don't know a promoted pawn from 4 lane rook.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure people come in this forum specifically intending to mock people, to put others down, to engage in childish behavior, and to generally be negative...and everything like that.

Politics is about narrative and passion, not about reality. That's the source of the devolution.
If one studies the history of politics, it is all about rhetoric and rhetoric is all about influence. Check out Alcibiades, Machiavelli, Henry VIII, the Shogunate, etc, to understand politics. It is the oldest game and the second oldest profession. :)

Here we are discussing politics, etc ,and some come to troll. Many, many come to right fight about nothing and become troll bait.
Well....are you?
woops typo.. was ment to be "from experience". And well, I have no idea what a 4 lane rook even is. but? technically everyone (mostly) is already part of the game from childhood... Children absorb all sorts of information and they notice all sorts of things. Such is the miracle of their spongy brains.

You could call it a game, or you could call it an agenda. couldn't you?


New Member
Hey forum.

This thread is intended only for people who are currently high. Please respect this rule.
There is one exception to this rule though: If you're not high, you can feel free to participate in this thread just as long as you don't break the peace! (keep the peace!!!!!!!!)
That means: Don't mock people, Don't put others down with insults and childish behaviour, don't be negative or anything like that.

(For those of us who argue about stuff in OTHER threads, Don't worry about it in here. When you're in here, just forget about it. - Positive topics!)

I remember thinking to my self one time (A long time ago) If only we could put everybody into one big room and get them all high together! they would all get along!
that was my vision, and that is my goal of this thread.

Talk about anything you want. Politically orientated I guess? w/e.

Sticky please :weed:


Well-Known Member
woops typo.. was ment to be "from experience". And well, I have no idea what a 4 lane rook even is. but? technically everyone (mostly) is already part of the game from childhood... Children absorb all sorts of information and they notice all sorts of things. Such is the miracle of their spongy brains.

You could call it a game, or you could call it an agenda. couldn't you?
It it the clash of agenda. It is the essential struggle for the needs of the few verses the needs of the many. It is the breeding struggle in a wide polyatomic, polyphonic and pyrotechnical array of "confusion consortium." (need to turn to Paul Simon for more in the vein, I guess)

We are traiined into this and either get to find out something or, sometimes in history, very little at all.

Before the communication era, it was almost all ritual, for the masses. It still is mostly ritual lives for all people on earth. We cling to guns and bibles and we cling to hate Monsanto and Dems (or Pubs) can do no wrong.

I think I am eyes wide open, here and now. Not for, nor against. We only have a few years to sit up and look around. And there are many paths and one sure end. Still breathing is all that ever really mattered. Life is very short, at best.

Anything and everything can only be done in the very Now. Not much matters outside that. Just be ready for anything I say.

The times are not getting better.


Well-Known Member
OK, I have to admit it's 6:30 AM and I probably won't get stoned until after breakfast. Got to work in that cuppa first, and then the SSS. And then I get stoned.


Undercover Mod
I'm pretty sure people come in this forum specifically intending to mock people, to put others down, to engage in childish behavior, and to generally be negative...and everything like that.

Politics is about narrative and passion, not about reality. That's the source of the devolution.
Politics are like wrestling.


Well-Known Member
OK, I have to admit it's 6:30 AM and I probably won't get stoned until after breakfast. Got to work in that cuppa first, and then the SSS. And then I get stoned.
OK< all clear....the Sour Alien found me. :)


Well-Known Member
There is your problem.

In fact as a denizen, I can tell you this board reflect the entire world's problem with alcohol, every weekend. It make you stupid, and stupider, long term.


Well-Known Member
There is your problem.

In fact as a denizen, I can tell you this board reflect the entire world's problem with alcohol, every weekend. It make you stupid, and stupider, long term.
The only problem the world has with alcohol is there is not enough time to be drunk enough.

Anything else is subjective.