The Story Of My First Grow (Feedback Please!)


New Member

Seed came from a really really good bag and found 1 seed out of a whole ounce..Healthy with tiger stripes
3 weeks old.
Open air/Ceiling fan blowing
1-20watt CFL bulb in a $5 walmart lamp
I turn the lamp on when I wake up around 9:30am, and turn it off when I go to bed around 12:30-2:00am
The bulb does not put off any heat when you touch it, but it is warm in the lampshade
I put it 2-3 in. away from the plant directly above it
Miracle Grow Moisture Control
Miracle Grow Azalea 30-10-10 Plant Food (Used once a few days ago)
Room temp. Deer Park bottled water every 3-4 days or when soil is crusty

Am I doing this right? It looks ok but I'm not doing anything crazy..I thought it would've needed a higher wattage light...


New Member
Considering 2 or 3 days ago it was on its first set of 3 leaves I feel like its growing pretty quick, Ill leave for 8 hours at work and come back and notice huge changes. How much light do I need? I'd like to keep it as short and bushy as possible..