The success of a first time outdoor grower


Active Member
Let me tell you guys - all doubts I had prior to my first outdoor attempt are completely washed away...Although my indoor crops have had considerably more visible trichome coverage, the potency is as strong or higher on the outdoor nuggies. The taste is still developing (day 5 since cut), but I say it's on par with that of the indoor varieties (both organic soil).

However, there's still ways to improve:
-Make sure when digging holes, they are far enough apart. 2 feet apart created a "megabush", consisting of 4 plants; however, the lateral meristems weren't able to receive optimal amounts of sunlight, resulting in diminished overall yield.
-It seems the holes could always be dug bigger. My holes were big enough to fit a half bag of FF Ocean Forest soil into each. I feel like a bag of soil per hole would be optimal. This will ensure that the roots have more rich organic soil to consume before reaching out into the native soil.
-Apply preventative fungicides at the end of vegging and beginning of flowering. Although I did not have a single issue with mold this year, it's still smart to have preventative measures in place just to make sure. If I were 200+ miles east, seems I probably would have had mold issues (I feel for ya east coast).
-Wait until at least June 1st to transplant outdoors. May 20th was a little too early; they were hit with real cold temps for the first week. They also don't need that much veg time. They seem to reach 6 feet easy- and that's my target height. Although I could just top/train more often.
-Pay attention to early forced-flowering possibilities. I mean, come on, who doesn't want an earlier harvest.

Got one baby(BuKu) in jars, and three(Kushage + 2Hollands Hope) more to come this weekend...the shear quantity difference between indoor and out may have changed me to an outdoor fan. And the anticipation for harvest is just that much more.:leaf:
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