The Ultimate Newbie Crawlspace Setup

I am going to create my first grow room in my crawlspace, the only problem is, I live with a roommate who does not condone weed at all, and they store quite a bit of their things upstairs in the attic, so I am going to have to start in the crawlspace underneath the house. It is decently large already, and I havent even seen any bugs down there. It has 4 ft clearance and all the space I could need. Ill be able to check it around 4-5 times a day, and my roommate never ventures down there as he is a bit scared of it. I am going to be getting non-heat generating lights, some tarps, and a dehumidifier. I will be running an extension cord to the hatch in my room from inside a closet, so it wont look suspicious. Just wondering what else I need to start growing, as this is my first grow. Thanks in advance :D
Lights will generate heat, no matter what.
Get filtration for the smell, and figure a way to quiet your fan.
The air needs to circulate, so figure a way to pull hot stinky air through a carbon filter, and out of the space.
Also, I've dug out a four foot space to 5' 10". It was 16' x 28'. 4K watts flower only, lots of wasted space.
Maybe dig it deeper for taller bud?
Lights will generate heat, no matter what.
Get filtration for the smell, and figure a way to quiet your fan.
The air needs to circulate, so figure a way to pull hot stinky air through a carbon filter, and out of the space.
So, To filter the air out should i try digging a ventilation hole in the side of the crawlspace, or should I just circulate it to a seperate part of the crawlspace, far away?
Well, I use pro mix, with supernatural brand chems for now.
There are many options.
I'm going to make the switch to super soil, water only soon.
Research lighting, don't make any decisions without figuring it out for your space. I would also seal the space. Bugs will come out of the ground when it gets moist and warm.
It's a big decision, with lots of aspects.
Take your time, and keep it simple.
Good luck.
Ahh I've been here before (the uneducated roommate)
Honestly man. Here's a scenario for you
What if a pipe broke while you were working. Roommate johnny can't figure out why he can't take a shower, so he calls the plumber/landlord.
Said repairman comes over. And unless you have a basement, goes right to the crawlspace................

And just remember. That power bill is going to go up. He may notice.

For real though. If your gonna grow behind his back, get stealth cabinet. They have them to look like speakers, dressers, etc.
Another thing.

Your average 110 outlet can handle 1800w (15a) or 2400w (20a) these are approximate numbers

Standard orange extension cord can only (safely) handle 1620w (if its under 50feet) and around 1200w over 50 ft.

And for safety ypou shouldn't exceed 80% capacity.
(Electronics surge)

Please don't burn your house down.