The Wild Wood Weed


Well-Known Member
I found some weed growing wild in the woods this one time what's funny is there was a you know a approximately 3r4 months weathered platinum blunt wrap wrapper under the leaves nearby in the dirt. So I'm assuming some stoners (definitely not black guys cause they use real (good) blunts) rolled some homegrown or some Mexican what had seeds in it scattered the seeds there and The result is I collected some pretty decent weed

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Is that how it happened? "creepy" sounds a little presumptuous, in addition to you thinking I followed you. relax man you seem ok, paranoid a bit, but hey.

Nice to meet you Porter.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
thank you for the explanation. have you been on this forum before. typos ain't no big thang...

are you a michigan resident i am