The Worst President In U.S. History.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I happen to think it's George W. Bush!

I'm pretty sure if the guy didn't actually LIVE at 1600 Pennsylvania .... he' never find his way to his office.

Sadly .... I actually voted for this moron!

GWB and his cronies have pretty much ASSURED the republicans will NOT have the office the next 4 years! Nice going ASSHOLE!

Fucking Hillary is already talking about bans on certain guns if she gets elected! I don't think so Hillary!!!! but you go ahead and TRY!

I know things are bad now .... but I have a sneaky suspicion that it's about to get A WHOLE LOT WORSE.

I've never been more ashamed of our Country's leader then I am today.


Well-Known Member
I'' ll buy Jimmy a beer for standing up against the Israel lobby, they hurt the U.S more than islamic terrorism


Well-Known Member
Hell no, jackson was a great president!
I respectfully disagree. His campaign of genocide (Indian Removal Act of 1830 is a good starting point on the issue) was rather distasteful, and there really has been no other president who went on quite the same tear as he. Despite his other policies that, especially in light of our current state of affairs, I may agree with, his policies specific to the tribes were and remain an abomination of the office of president in my view.


Well-Known Member
FDR gets my vote. Imprisoning US citizens based upon race is an impeachable offense yet we laud the man even to this day.


Well-Known Member
jackson and that whole trail of tears thing would put him at the bottom of the list...
Bottom of the "worst president" list? :?

I mean, yeah, I've got a few issues with FDR (Teddy, too), but neither of them actually commanded any genocide, just restricted freedoms severely.


Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree. His campaign of genocide (Indian Removal Act of 1830 is a good starting point on the issue) was rather distasteful, and there really has been no other president who went on quite the same tear as he. Despite his other policies that, especially in light of our current state of affairs, I may agree with, his policies specific to the tribes were and remain an abomination of the office of president in my view.
oh was that Him....I knew that ;)


Well-Known Member
Bottom of the "worst president" list? :?

I mean, yeah, I've got a few issues with FDR (Teddy, too), but neither of them actually commanded any genocide, just restricted freedoms severely.
Yeah, but remember baby that the Europeans did their level best to set the stage for the Americans. The genocide of the American Indian began w/ the Europeans...Jackson just played it out to "End Game"...FDR imprisoned Americans and took their property in the name "National Security"...The fucker should've been shot IMO.


Well-Known Member
Ronald Regan... he's the one that started the drug free red riddon thing and got all the police and shit lookin out for potheads because before that the government didnt care it was just a slap on the wrist nothing like it is today and you can blame it all on regan....... yeah it would have eventually happened anyhow but maybe after us..... who knows


Well-Known Member
If anybody has ever watched the drug years on VH1 you would kno what im talkiin about and most likely all potheads have watched this show