they all died:-(


Active Member
I started off wit germinatin 10 seeds, 9 sprouted. so i used those 9 nd they all came out nd i had 9 plants, after lik 2weeks they were all lookin decent (for their age) than jus started droppin:sad:. till about 4days ago, now only 1 is still alive. but unlike the rest instead of startin 2 look bad than dyin she is advancin:neutral:. they were bein grown in a close wit a 23watt spiral type light bulb nd a fan gettin 12hrs off light per day, but now the last 1 is bein put in a window seal while the suns beamin nd bein moved wit the sun so its gettin about 6 1/2 7 hrs of good sun a day, nd finishin off the rest of the 12hrs wit tha light right next 2 her. shes already branched up twice nd is gettin 2 her 3rd time, nd 1 of the leafs of her has 2 leafs comin out the side of it. any sugestions 2 help keep this 1 goin strong nd possibly be my lucky 1 (if its a female)?


Well-Known Member
ya might wanna read and learn about growing. you obviously havent researched anything cuz you need alot more watts than that. learn about the spectrum learn about nutes learn about lights and darkness foyer feeding drip systems theres a lot and not to be mean or anything but growing is really easy it just takes about 50 bucks to start and a little bit of knowledge. if you really wanna save that plant go to lowes and get a cfl theres one there that costs 17 dollars and its more than enough to get you started till you learn what your doing. its the kind of light bulb that you got the spriraly thingie is called a cfl anyways get that bulb and read


Well-Known Member
lol fail, 1 CFL is only sufficient for maybe the first week of the plants life, after that you're gonna need more CFLs properly setup if thats the route you want to take growing them.


Active Member
It is my 1st time tryin, ive read thru all that nd sum otha sites. i got 3 of tha bulbs but only 1 lamp, been tryin 2 get more. but tha 9 r gone now nd theres only 1 so im keepin it on a window seal for most of tha time so its gettin alot of sunlight. jus hopin this 1 has more of a chance


Well-Known Member
Why dont you just move it outside. Next time make shure you have everything you need before you grow. Lights, nutes, room, and so on. Keep trying.:weed:
if that one isnt has a chance. first of all get it out of the cup. it needs to be in at least 6 to 8 inch pot. put enough soil in there for room to grow. make sure the pot has holes in the bottom so the water can drain out. im sure you have been watering the ones in the cups everyday. stop watering everyday and wait for the soil to dry out between waterings. depending on size you can 2 to 4 days up to 2 weeks without water. god you have so much wrong...if you want that plant to survive put it in a bigger pot give it plenty of light, less water, and leave it the hell alone for about 2 weeks. you killed your other plants with "kindness" wow 8 out of nine....i thought i killed a lot when i killed 2 out of 20...


Active Member
cawz i live in pittsburgh nd its not the best climate, so theres noway i have the time if shes a couple days short of a munth


Active Member
well a positive ubdate on tha 1 that survived, after a while in the window seal nd bein moved outside she has made all progress and is very healthy. branchd up atleast 8times nd 2 of em hav 5 point leafs. has a bunch of lil leafs poppin out inward by the stem. Only problem is that its gettin chillier and not all days are sunny or nice, as matter of fact 2day is only lik 60, cloudy nd rainy. I dont think she will hav nearly enuf time to grow up nd bud, so this might hav been a 2 late attempt. but it was my 1st nd now i kno how i can do things. guess we'll see. pics will be posted.


Active Member
You should've read up and knew everything before you even attempted your first grow, And usually our first grow is when we experiment. Hell, I did my first grow when I was 16.


Active Member
sorry, they're a lil blurry. but shes lookin good, pretty healthy lookin green. also even tho u cant see in the pics she has lil white hairs on the inside bunches of leafs nd on top is loaded wit them(pretty sure shes female). she's 3munths 1 week (since the seed was planted), any idea wen she'll be buddin? or a way to mak her budd faster?



You need to get it out of the paper cup into a bigger pot at this point. I made some of the lighting mistakes also when i started my first grow which is almost rdy to harvest good luck.