They all look different, no idea what to do


Hi There,

Samsung LM301B 320w LEDs ~50%
nutriculture Ebb and Floot ~ 60 pots in canna clay peebles
greenhouse powder ~1.3 EC atm
50% ro water, adding calcium to 0.3 - 0.4 EC

They are in week 5 flower, got dropping PH since 8 Weeks.. I got Spidermides since start, i think i got them under control with Spidermite Control Oil.
They are gorilla haze 2-3 fenos, got them from a Friend of mine.
Room iss in good control, Temp RH, water temp everything is good. I Think my EC was tooo high some times ~1.5EC
Watering 2-3 Times per day for 20 Minutes, they look dry and crispy atm..

I will donate if anyone can help me with this :)

Kind Regards from Austria


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