"They" are approved by whoms volition?


Globe & Male 2013/09/30 - Do you support federally inspected medical marijuana farms?
What an interesting thought?

Beside the fact that 692 (71% of respondents) said YES, and 196 (20% of respondents) said NO, while 82 said UNSURE (8%), we can also confirm the following;

This bullshit litmus test passed 1000 respondents, nope - 970 respondents, a fuckin' brilliant sample - nice one mediawhores - this same 970, represents less than 0.00002781% (970/34,880,000; 2012 Census) adding 0% for the +/- bullshit they confuse people with...

So, am I to assume that this indicates to me that "federal" inspection will provide sound review of the production? The pigs from Orwell's trough factory are clocked out, and not looking to divert the funds to pay for the glorious soccer days the kid will hate more than having to deal with two loser parents that fought over who was going to pay for the Kid's french fries after school?

Tonto, he is federal, and so is his wife, his daughters and most important, his 2nd cousin Jessica Spreadeagle, marry that one in a heartbeat...can they inspect? Do they need a permit from "the Man"?

Are we allowed to insert a giant phallic shaped coupon up our asses to provide consent for the Big-Shcwarmeh chemists to wade in with their wives strap on toys fabricating beacon signals to Rod Serling in the hopes, the shallow breaths and the pageantry of the dancing steam on the house of glass you skate down drinking Sake with Satan, lines of snow and snow snowing the snow - still...pre-Scribe.

1. a person who serves as a professional copyist, especially one who made copies of manuscripts beforethe invention of printing.
2. a public clerk or writer, usually one having official status.
3. Also called sopher, sofer. Judaism. one of the group of Palestinian scholars and teachers of Jewish law and tradition, active from the 5th century b.c. to the 1st century a.d., who transcribed, edited, and interpreted the Bible.
4. a writer or author, especially a journalist.
verb (used without object), scribed, scrib·ing.
5. to act as a scribe; write.

We are to follow the mighty pen, of a bureaucratic cunt, reeking of the fake vinyl scented fish not delivered by the Holy clams that seem to dictate fresh bread, vegetables or flowers of scented voluntary sends, no - the fish scented bag of fermenting clam and oyster shells blends with the man sweat created by the juices from pores left between unwashed fibre and bits of a social disorder that forbids the shaking of a hand dipped into the compost of human waste for a moment and yet enables the bastardization of the open hand greeting of an age past.

I also believed that smokes would make me a better man.
My dick went limp.

Nuclear was the answer.
My children died of chemical taxation overcome by a Lent.

Free love.
So was the way of elected, elective.

Men don't ask, they do.
Women don't ask, they drive.
Children don't ask, they enjoy.
Animals don't ask, they chew.
Vegetation don't ask, it provides.
Seas do not speak, so asking is by wave - still, an ask.
Clouds move, birds fuckin' sing - and nose hairs wake up dead souls.



Fucks no one, don't have the time for it.

You set a Time, and I will confirm with Time.

The real one.

I have to go now.
The pigs, eating from the trough of shit on a street named after a Bay, throwing money at this.
Buy more, sell pulp - chew through the inventory.

Atlas shall not shrug.
No Gulch shall lay baron.

The pigs.

They approve, and the piglets squeal.

Puff, and puff, and then blow my erect souvlaki down....

What next?
Going to tell me another 3 dozen trenders can drive a review, and I can't call 'em as I see em.

Meow, meow, meow, meow -meow, meow, meow meow
Meow, meow, meow, meow - - meow, meow, meow meow
Meow, meow, meow, meow - - - meow, meow, meow meow
Meow, meow, meow, meow - (IV) - meow, meow, meow meow

Will someone speak truth...
...genetics anyone?


In a quiet night you can hear a Ford cracking'.
