Thin brown taproots? "Fetal" Seedlings?


Hi, RIU! Well, I've started my first grow, and I came across what struck me as a very curious problem...

I ordered 4-5 different strains from Hemp Depot (great experience) and germed 2 strains. One set of 10 PowerPlant Dutch passion seeds and half of a 20 seed order of C99 seeds from unknown breeder(s) in Can/N America.

I soaked for 24 hours, germed in PH adjusted 5.8 water in a paper towel on a paper plate, placed inside a ziplock on a seedmat warmer set to 80F - (Note: I forgot to place the sensor under the plate of seeds for one full day until I fixed it) and set it aside in a very dark cabinet.

The PowerPlant seeds let out these very thin, brownish taproots, more like hairs.
The seeds/paper towel never dried out. I noticed later on that there were thicker whiter roots attached higher up towards the inside of the seed. The C99 seeds, which were started a day or two after the PowerPlants, sprouted thick, white tap roots.

I proceeded to plant the sprouted seeds in treated rockwool cubes and placed them under fluorescent lights. I put the heating mat under the seeds tray and kept it at 78 - 80F.

8/10 of the C99 sprouted seedlings (a little leggy, some with purple stems) but only 2 PowerPlant seeds sprang up.

I continued to water/mist with PH adjusted water, but after a week or so it became apparent there would be no more plants coming up that weren't up already, so I removed the failed cubes and split them open for inspection:

The non-germed C99 cubes just opened to reveal seeds that had not grown/developed at all - it's with the PowerPlant where I have questions as to what happened.

When I opened the failed PowerPlant rockwool cubes, I found underneath the surface little plants
- stems and cotelydons which had unfurled and even turned green and purplish, just as if they were developing normally, but balled up underneath the surface, like they didn't have the strength to push themselves up(?!)

I'm wondering, what happened? I expected the failed cubes to show not much activity at all, not "fetal" plants that appeared to have indeed developed but remained underground, but just never broke ground. Another thing to note: I was able to observe in one or two of the examined PP seedlings that the tip of the root did look smaller than the rest of the root that followed as you progressed toward the plant so, overheating issue? Do you think the seeds may have been old, and that maybe they used the stored up energy leaving nothing to propel them upwards? I wonder this because they displayed the ability to form stems, leaves and photosynthesize, but not to push up.

I know the C99 was very "fresh" as they were just in and sold out fast - later I also germed some Blue Apollo Joey Weed seeds (I adore his selection of F2s and crosses, plus he has a great rep and the best prices I've seen for some pretty legendary genetics) - and ALL of them germed fast & vigorous - and broke ground a single day later - very uniform appearance - deep green, tiny cotelydons, short stems in a range of greener to purpler (that's the only difference I can see with this group), early true leaves - I'm excited to see how they progress. I don't have the remains of the underground plants on hand right now, but I'm wiling to try to dig them up if I can to take a few pictures if it will help. I'm not upset, just very curious about this - I've been unable to find an explanation anywhere.

The two PowerPlants that did take - very uniform, short, sturdy - looks promising.

Has anyone ever seen this before? All replies/questions are most welcome.