Thin plywood.. noise help


Active Member
im hoping for some advice on ways to cut down on noise..

i got this huuuge squirrel cage blower (hydro guy told me it was 1600cfm.. told me today its pushing 3200!!)

it was pretty much just as loud as a 12" vortex 1100+cfm soo i figured it was worth the money for the massive extra power

its a 20"x20"x20" metal box squirrel cage style blower..

i put the whole blower in a larger cardboard box an stuffed padding inbetween.. cutting holes for the intake/exhaust.. its sitting on padding.. and the whole package is sitting on the concrete floor...

the walls are plywood.. an not very soundproof at all...

how can i mute this blower a lil more?
should i make a bigger box? w/more padding?

should i insulate the walls? right now its a shop framed with 2x4s and plywood walls..
then im putting up white/blk poly on all the walls...

is odor gonna be hard to control with thin walls?
i was thinking 12" carbon filter on the exhaust an maybe another filter by the door..? 17x11' room

maybe im just paranoid.,
any tips/advice would be great...
yea checked that stuff out looks good...
il order some right now.. ($50 for 6ft aint cheap, but what is in this game)
thanks for the tip..

you think il have problems keeping odor at bay cus of the thin walls?
depends on how many plants your going to be having in there. and for smell a blower that big should be able to handle the volume of air in there. just make sure to put your exhaust at the top of your shop pointing away from the closest to people side of your shop.
use some sound proof ducting. a metre on the exit and entry will deaden the noise somewhat
In music stores they often have sound proof rooms for people taking lessons....They sound proof the rooms buy essentially building a room within a room....when you have 8 inches of air between the walls it acts as a great sound suppressor....I would suggest building a bigger box to put over the box you have already made (with 8" of air space around the original box)....Good luck....Ps this would also shield you from infra red probing from cops via helicopters.