things got ugly quick

Hello rollitup. I'm having problems with a cotton candy plant by delicious seeds. This is my third grow with this plant and the first time I am experiencing proplems. Could be because this is the first time I've grown in during the summer and different humidity/ temps. Im not that great with the internet but i researched and kept finding different answers to what my plants are doing. I'll post some pics of course but four days ago I trimmed about all of the new growth and I noticed it wasn't going very well. Then the past 4 days the plants have gotten much lighter in color and some leafs look horribly crispy and curly. I have used store bought distilled water. Fox farm nutes and I could be Under Nutng. I have never kept an actual diary as I've been lucky with smooth sailing so it's hard to refer back to what happened in the past grows.the leafs are curling down and I probably did over water the past 7 days. If you know anything please help I would greatly appreciate it.

sno capz

Well-Known Member
What are your temps and humidity?

Strength of nutrients?

I'm assuming soil medium?


How often are you watering/feeding?
Thanks for the quick reply. The medium is indeed soil. The humidity is between 45 and 52 usually. The temps are below 83 when the light is on and I'm not sure when it's off because my thermometer and hygrometer because its in the tent.Also I only have one at the moment too so I hope it's accurate. I usually give them slightly less than the fox farm feeding schedule says however is missed a feeding last week and only gave water. As for the PH I have never tested it but I am using a different soil than usual. Both are local brands so don't want to mention them but they are good soils I live in a big agricultural area

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Considering you're in flowering... Pretty late into it at that... And with the description given and poor quality of pictures uploaded it could be either nitrogen toxicity or over watering. I could be completely wrong with both... But won't be sure till we see better pics
Ya I know they didn't turn out very well sorry guys. I do think over watering could be the issue. I used less perlite in the soil than usual and I feel like I'm watering all the time cause the top few inches of the soil are dry but it's in a big pot. I'll take a pic tommorow when the lights go off and they will be better. Thanks for the help tonight though


Well-Known Member
You sufficated your roots for a week so thats where all the damage is coming from. Once she dries out hit em with full dose nutes....they are starving... give them full dose nutes once a week and enough water that they dry out in 2-3 days