Think my bud got moldy while curing


Active Member
I think i cured to early and the bud has this really wierd smell to it i dont know how to describe it, but i think its moldy. It doesnt smell like bud, it smells bad. They are out of the can and drying right now, but will that effect the bud in the long run or will drying it out a little improve the smell.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
do you see any fuzz or white specks is the smell like rotting compost? you can try trimming the problem spots but once the mold spores get loose its bad news...


Well-Known Member
Can you SEE any mold on them? It's white and fuzzy usually. What would you compare the smell to?


Active Member
its like some spots are kind of black like the color of uh... crushed leaves, i honestly do not know how to describe the smell, its like just not weed it resembles kind of something strong and chemicaly


Active Member
I have some plants that are still going. Most of the buds do not have any smell. 2 of the colas and some of the larger buds smell almost like dirty feet. They are 7 weeks in and I have had some mite problems. I have gently squeezed one of the buds and it is rock solid. I do not see any signs of mold/rot. Any ideas?