Think twice before using credit card to order seeds


Well-Known Member
I got a phone call this morning from a detective in the town where I live, he wanted me to come talk to him about an internet matter. I only have one credit card and the only two times I used it was to order seeds online and that was months ago. Come to find out, some lady in Malaysia was using my name to scam people. She had gotten my name from a "bogus bank in Canada". He asked to see my credit card and to call. My credit card company asked to speak to me to verify who I was and I allowed them to answer the detectives questions. After sitting there for damn near an hour he finally seemed satisfied that I was not guilty of scamming anybody. No real harm was done but the whole ordeal scared the shit out of me. I will use money orders in the future. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i used your card to buy an 18 wheeler full of Kools

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